The Four Nations Chess League does not accept responsibility for the content of other websites, to which this site links.


This website includes information on participants in the Four Nations Chess League in respect of name, grade, title, nationality and sex (team registration lists), as well as telephone number(s), email address(es) and postal address(es) in certain circumstances (team captains/managers, management board members, arbiters etc).


Participants wishing this information not to be included on the website should contact the webmaster to have it removed, but should be aware that in this event they will not be permitted to play in the league.


Home (2010/11 Season)

Website 2011/12

This page is the homepage for the 2010/11 season. All details about the 2011/12 season can be found here.

Best Annotated Game Prize - Mike Truran.

29.05.2011 - The 4NCL will be offering three prizes of £50 each for the best annotated games from the 4NCL 2010/2011 season, and we should be glad to receive entries for this competition.


I imagine that we will not be presenting trophies and prizes until the Hinckley Island weekend of 14th-15th January when all the teams except those in the Northern League will be at the same venue. That said, we should probably set a deadline so that people who want to enter can do so while last season is still reasonably fresh in their minds, so can I suggest that entries be submitted by the end of July please?


Anyone wishing to enter a game should bear the following in mind:

  1. Entries will be judged not only on the standards of the play exhibited, but on the level of insight, relevance, possibly humour etc. demonstrated by the annotations.

  2. It is not necessary for the annotator to have been one of the participants in the game, simply that the game needs to have been played in the 4NCL during 2010/11.

Entries should be sent in PGN or Chessbase format please to the 4NCL Webmaster.


Paul Littlewood, former 4NCL chairman, has kindly agreed to act as judge for the competition.

Player Crosstables (3) - Neville Belinfante.

28.05.2011 - Results have been sent for grading to the ECF and for rating to FIDE. The FIDE summary is at Where there are differences in the figures between the FIDE summary and the spreadsheet, the FIDE summary has the correct figures.


Updated player files have also been uploaded again to correct further errors that were spotted by players.

Updated FIDE list in csv format (123kb)
Updated FIDE list in xls format (288kb)
  ECF list in xls format (157kb) | ECF list in txt format (117kb)

Last few PGNs

23.05.2011 - The last few pgns are now online. That completes all game files for the 2011/12 season. Many thanks as always to the game inputters for their Herculean efforts during a busy year. 

Room Rates 2011-13 - Mike Truran

23.05.2011 - The new bedroom rates for Barcelo (2011/2012 and 2012/2013) and De Vere (calendar years 2011, 2012 and 2013) are published here.


Barcelo Hinckley Island have asked me to draw to your attention that they will be offering special triple and quad BB and DBB rates for 2011/2012 and 2012/2013.


I understand that this will entail three/four separate single beds (if necessary sofa beds or Z beds) in the room, i.e. nobody will be expected to share beds. If my maths serves me correctly, this works out at £21.75 per person (BB) and £34.75 (DBB) per person for a quad room for 2011/2012.

Player Crosstables (2) - Neville Belinfante.

20.05.2011 - Updated player crosstables are now available. The earlier versions had some wrong and missing results. Included are two more lists which show the ECF grading performances of all players.

CHESS Monthly


20.05.2011 - We are grateful to Malcolm Pein at Chess & Bridge for permission to publish three articles about the 4NCL which appeared in recent issues of CHESS Monthly.


View or download the three articles and a Chessbase file of games used in the articles.




Final weekend PGNs

19.05.2011 - More files are now available with just a few to follow for Divs 1 and 3. Many thanks as always to the game inputters, Alex Holowczak, Jack Rudd and Katie Smith.

Dates for 2011/12

06.05.2011 - Planning for next season? Check out the dates and venues for 2011/12, including those for the J4NCL here.

Final Weekend Team Report

04.05.2011 - Many thanks again to John Carleton (Spirit of Atticus) for sending another excellent team report.

Final Weekend report

03.05.2011 - A report from the final weekend of the season is available here - with thanks to Lawrence Cooper.

Divisions 1, 2 & 3 Final Weekend

03.05.2011 - After an exciting final weekend congratulations should go to the following winners in the 2010-11 season:


DIV 1: Championship Pool: Pride & Prejudice

DIV 1: Demotion Pool: Wood Green Hilsmark Kingfisher 2

DIV 2: Promotion Pool: Jutes of Kent

DIV 2: Demotion Pool: South Wales Dragons

DIV 3: Bradford DCA Knights A


The following teams were promoted/relegated:


DIV 1: Relegation: Oxford 1, Pandora’s Box Grantham, Sambuca Sharks & Warwickshire Select 1.

DIV 2: Promotion: Jutes of Kent, Anglian Avengers 1, Bristol 1 & Guildford A&DC 2.

DIV 2: Relegation: Cambridge University 2, 3Cs 1, Sambuca Black Sheep and Poisoned Pawns 2.

DIV 3: Promotion: Bradford DCA Knights A, Spirit of Atticus, Brown Jack and FCA Solutions 1.


Division 1 Championship Pool final score table | Division 1 Demotion Pool score table
Division 2 Championship Pool final score table | Division 2 Demotion Pool score table

Division 3 Final score table


Previous updates for 2010/11 can be found on the News Archives page.






Whilst we are happy to display entry forms for forthcoming congresses at the 4NCL weekends, please send any such information to Dave Welch. You can find Dave's address here.

News updates from 2009/10 can be found here.




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