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The Four Nations Chess League does not accept responsibility for the content of other websites, to which this site links.

This website includes information on participants in the Four Nations Chess League in respect of name, grade, title, nationality and sex (team registration lists), as well as telephone number(s), email address(es) and postal address(es) in certain circumstances (team captains/managers, management board members, arbiters etc). Participants wishing this information not to be included on the website should contact the webmaster to have it removed, but should be aware that in this event they will not be permitted to play in the league.
Summer Team Rapidplay Tournament: Entry Guidelines

The 4NCL will be holding an inaugural team rapidplay tournament for which entries are invited from all interested teams, whether existing 4NCL teams wanting to “dust off the cobwebs” during the summer or new teams wanting to try out the 4NCL without necessarily committing to the full league. Details are as follows:

1. The tournament will take place on the weekend of 30 June-1 July at De Vere Harben conference centre, a member of the De Vere Venues chain which the 4NCL already uses for a number of its weekends. De Vere Harben is near Newport Pagnell in Buckinghamshire, just off the M1 and not far from Milton Keynes, which has fast rail connections to and from Birmingham, Manchester and London. More details on the venue can be found here.

2. The tournament is open to any team, whether or not a participant in the 4NCL itself.

3. The entry fee per team is £40. Please send entry fee cheques made payable to "4NCL" to Mike Truran at The Old Farmhouse, 7 Church Street, Ducklington, Witney, Oxon OX29 7UA. Entries need to be received by Monday 30 April please. Entries will be accepted on a “first come first served” basis.

4. Each match will comprise four players per team. A team may nominate up to six players for the tournament. Combined squad rule 2.1 of the current 4NCL rules will NOT apply, so no nominated player may play for more than one team over the weekend. Team board order will be determined using rule 8.3 of the current 4NCL rules.

5. Team lists should be submitted to Neville Belinfante by post (10 Ostlers Court, Old Coach Drive, High Wycombe, Bucks HP11 1AR or by email no later than 23 June. Although ECF membership is not required, team lists should include ECF membership numbers where applicable in order to make calculation of game fees payable to the ECF easier.

6. The time limit will be 20 minutes +10 seconds per move.

7. The tournament will consist of 10 rounds (5 rounds on Saturday 30 June and 5 rounds on Sunday 1 July). The schedule for the two days will be as follows:


  • Round 1: 1.00 pm
  • Round 2: 2.30 pm
  • Round 3: 4.00 pm
  • Round 4: 5.30 pm
  • Round 5: 7.00 pm

  • Round 6: 9.30 pm
  • Round 7: 11.00 pm
  • Round 8: 1.00 pm
  • Round 9: 2.30 pm
  • Round 10: 4.00 pm
  • Prizegiving: 5.15 pm
8. The prize fund will be determined based on the number of teams entering and after taking account of tournament running expenses. Team placings will be determined using rule 11.2 of the current 4NCL rules.

9. The event will be registered with the ECF Game Fee Scheme and all games will be included in the ECF rapidplay gradings. It is a condition of entry that players agree to their grading information being published on the ECF website.

10. The tournament will be run under FIDE rapidplay rules.

11. Room rates at De Vere Harben will be in line with those in place at other De Vere venues used by the 4NCL, namely £40 for one person in a single or double/twin room and £56 for two people in a double/twin room. Lunch and dinner will be available at the venue at £5 and £10 respectively on a prebooked basis. Please contact Wendy Mayer on 01908 215602 or by email to book rooms/lunch/dinner.

12. For further details please contact Paul Littlewood or Mike Truran.

Division 1

Pride and Prejudice
Barbican 4NCL 1
White Rose 1
Guildford-A&DC 1
Cambridge Univ. 1
The ADs
Barbican 4NCL 2
Oxford 1
Pandora's Box Grantham
S. Wales Dragons
Guildford-A&DC 2
Poisoned Pawns 1
Jutes of Kent

Division 2

Sambuca Sharks
Warwickshire Select 1
e2e4.org.uk 1
Barbican 4NCL Youth
AMCA Dragons
Kings Head
Poisoned Pawns 2
Anglian Avengers
Wessex 1
Celtic Tigers 1
Bristol 1
White Rose 2
Brown Jack
Guildford-A&DC 3
FCA Solutions 1

Division 3

Rhyfelwyr Essyllwg
Sambuca Black Sheep
Cambridge Univ. 2
Wessex 2
Warwickshire Select 2
KJCA Kings
FCA Solutions 2
The Full Ponty
Sussex Smart Ctls.
e2e4.org.uk 2
Nottinghamshire 1
Nottinghamshire 2
Oxford 2
AMCA Rhinos
Braille Chess Assoc.
AMCA Hippos
Glos. Gambits
Bristol 2
KJCA Knights
Guernsey Mates
Bristol 3
e2e4.org.uk 3
Beauty and the Beasts
Celtic Tigers 2
Oxford 3
Guildford-A&DC 4
AMCA Cheetahs