Four Nations Chess League does not accept
responsibility for the content of other websites, to
which this site links.
website includes information on participants in the
Four Nations Chess League in respect of name, grade,
title, nationality and sex (team registration
lists), as well as telephone number(s), email
address(es) and postal address(es) in certain
circumstances (team captains/managers, management
board members, arbiters etc).
Participants wishing this information not to be
included on the website should contact the webmaster
to have it removed, but should be aware that in this
event they will not be permitted to play in the
The format for the
2011/2012 season will be as follows:
Divisions 1 and 2
will comprise 16 teams each.
Divisions 1 and 2
will comprise two preliminary pools of
eight for the first seven rounds, with
the two pools in each division of
broadly equal strength as determined by
the Management Board. The top four
and bottom four teams in each
preliminary pool will form two final
championship/promotion and relegation
pools respectively. With regard to the
teams in each final pool, only matches
played between themselves during the
first seven rounds will be carried
forward to the final pools (i.e. matches
played by teams against teams in the
other final pool during the first seven
rounds will not be carried forward).
Four teams will be
relegated from Division 1, four teams
will be promoted from Divisions 2, four
teams will be relegated from Division 2
and four teams will be promoted from
Division 3 (see below).
Division 3 North and
Division 3 South will be a Swiss format.
Division 3 North and
Division 3 South will combine for the
fourth and fifth weekends, with
match and game points carried forward
from the first three weekends. Promotion
places to Division 2 will be from the
combined Division 3 for those teams that
want it.
Dates and Venues
Dates and venues for the
4NCL’s 2011/2012 season can be found
here. The
Hotels page gives
further information on the various venues.
Entry Requirements
All entries, whether for
existing teams or for new entrants, need to
be received together with the appropriate
entry fee by Wednesday 31 August 2011.
Please either:
Make a direct
transfer to the 4NCL bank account (the
preferred method); details can be
obtained by contacting Mike Truran
(contact details on the
Board page). Please
include sufficient accompanying
narrative to allow the payment to be
identified; or
Make cheques payable
to '4NCL' and send along with your entry
to Mike Truran at The Old Farmhouse, 7
Church Street, Ducklington, Witney,
Oxon, OX29 7UA.
Please remember that all
outstanding default fines, wild card fees
etc still outstanding from the 2010/2011
season need to be settled as a condition of
Confirmed team registration
lists should be sent to Neville Belinfante by
Friday 30 September 2011 (contact details on the
Arbiters page).
Team captains and managers must ensure
that all players are members of the appropriate
chess federation on the date of submission of
the registration list. For English
players, the ECF membership code number and
expiry date must be included on the submitted
registration list. Please remember that many
subscriptions expire on 31 August 2011 and may
not be renewed immediately.
Entry fees are as
follows. We have held these at 2010/2011
season levels in the light of the prevailing
economic environment:
Division 1
First teams £300
Second, third etc teams £350
Division 2
First teams £275
Second, third etc teams £325
Division 3 *
First teams £150
Second, third etc teams £175
* Teams wishing to enter
Division 3 North may claim a £50 discount on
their entry fee.
* Teams who commit to field
at least four juniors (i.e. under eighteen years
old on 1 January 2012) in every match of the
season in Division 3 can enter for a reduced
entry fee of £75.
As usual, entry fees entitle
teams to nominate up to 16 players (Divisions 1
and 2) and 12 players (Division 3) in their team
lists. Nominated players taking team lists over
16 (Divisions 1 and 2) or 12 (Division 3) in
total will be subject to the usual registration
Registration fees (£5) and
wildcard fees (£10) remain at the same level.
The prize fund for the
2011/2012 season will be £10,525, made up as
Division 1
First £3,000
Second £1,500
Third £750
Division 2
First £1,500
Second £750
Third £375
Division 3
First £1,000
Second £500
Third £250
Division 3 team rating
prize *
First £500
Second £250
Best annotated game (three prizes)
* Based on
the two highest placed teams with a team average
FIDE rating for the season as a whole (and for
at least seven matches) of less than or equal to
The rules for the
2011/2012 season are still being worked on,
but are expected to be broadly similar to
last season’s.
It would be helpful if
team captains/managers of entering teams
could check their contact details in the
“Team Captains” section of the 4NCL website
and confirm that they are shown correctly.
Please notify Steve Connor, the 4NCL Webmaster, of any updates required.
If entering teams would
like a link to their own website from the
4NCL website, please let Steve Connor know.
If there are any points
that you wish to discuss further then please
get in touch with Mike
Truran, contact details for whom can be
found on the
Management Board page of this website.