The Four Nations Chess League does not accept responsibility for the content of other websites, to which this site links.


This website includes information on participants in the Four Nations Chess League in respect of name, grade, title, nationality and sex (team registration lists), as well as telephone number(s), email address(es) and postal address(es) in certain circumstances (team captains/managers, management board members, arbiters etc).


Participants wishing this information not to be included on the website should contact the webmaster to have it removed, but should be aware that in this event they will not be permitted to play in the league.



1 Fixtures
1.1 The League's fixtures will be played over six rounds and over two weekends with two rounds being played on Saturday and one round on Sunday.


2 Match Arrangements
2.1 Matches will be played over four boards.
2.2 The first-named team in each pairing will have the white pieces on the odd-numbered boards and black on the even-numbered boards.
2.3 The starting times will normally be 10.45 for the 1st round on Saturday, 15.00 for the 2nd round on Saturday, and 10.45 for the round on Sunday.
2.4 The rate of play will be 90 minutes per person for 30 moves followed by a 15 minute quickplay finish. The tournament will be run as a Swiss (or all play all if appropriate).
2.5 Coaching will be provided for all competitors as per the entry form.


3 Match Points
3.1 Match points will be used to determine team placings:
2 points for a won match
1 point for a drawn match
0 points for a loss.
Game points will be used to determine team placings in the event of ties.
4 Registration Lists
4.1 Registration lists must contain the following information: (a) full name (b) date of birth (c) ECF grade where available.
4.2 Each team will be permitted to register up to ten players free.


5 Additions to the Registration List
5.1 Additional names may be added to a team’s list of registered players and shall be sent to Claire Summerscale (CS) by e-mail. The information required in 4.1 above will also be required for additional registrations.
5.2 Additional registrations must be emailed at the latest by Friday midnight before the weekend they are to play.
5.3 A fee of £5 is required for each and every registration that takes a team’s total of registered players above ten.


6 Transfers during the Season
6.1 A player who is named on a team’s list of players may transfer to another team provided he/she has not played during the current season. The transfer request must be agreed by Claire Summerscale.
6.2 The player will become registered for the new team immediately after a valid application is received.
6.3 If a team withdraws from the League, players who have played only for that team become free agents and may choose to play either for other teams in the squad if applicable or to join another team.


7 Team Lists
7.1 Team lists must be submitted to the arbiter at least one hour before each round. The list must give the full names of the players clearly in board order.
7.2 A team list may be amended without penalty for circumstances beyond the captain’s control provided this is done before the start of the round.
7.3 ECF grades will be used to determine the board order a team, unless agreed in advance with the arbiter.
7.4 Any complaint about the composition of a team must be made before the scheduled start of the round.
7.5 Known defaults must be on the lowest boards.
7.6 Pairings will be published at least half an hour before the start of play wherever possible.


8 Reserves
8.1 When a team list is submitted in accordance with rule 7.1 it may also include one nominated reserve player.
8.2 A nominated reserve may replace an absent player provided this is done not more than 30 minutes after the scheduled start of the round.
8.3 The improper use of reserves may result in the arbiter imposing a penalty as he deems appropriate on the offending team.


9 Other
9.1 The arbiter shall be empowered to administer the rules of the League.
9.2 An appeal against a decision may be made to the Management Board. Notice of such an appeal must be made in writing and received within seven days of the original decision.
9.3 The Board may apply penalties as it sees fit for any flagrant or premeditated breaches of the spirit as well as the letter of the rules.
9.4 All participants in the League shall consent to their name, sex, nationality, title, grade, and image being shown on the 4NCL website, such consent being a requirement of the Data Protection Act. Those wishing to withhold their consent shall not be permitted to play in the League.
9.5 A player may ask his/her captain if he/she may offer or accept a draw. The captain may agree, refuse or tell the player to refer to the match result sheet. In no circumstances may the captain look at any game between receiving the request and giving his/her decision.
9.6 The Management Board shall arrange meetings for captains/managers, as and when required, at which matters of current interest and future policy shall be discussed.
9.7 In all cases the decisions of the Management Board shall be final.
9.8 Juniors are permitted to play both in the 4NCL divisions 1-3 and in the Junior 4NCL League.





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