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Junior 4NCL Weekend 2, 12th - 13th February 2011 by Claire Summerscale


Hinckley Island Hotel

Gym and Pool area

The 2nd weekend of the 2010-2011 Junior 4 Nations Chess League was a resounding success.


The Hinckley Island Barcelo Hotel is a near perfect venue. Luxurious, spacious playing hall, plenty of comfortable seating areas for parents to work and relax and large coaching rooms, where all competitors were invited to attend both set-time chess lectures and have their games analysed by our excellent professional chess coaches.


The gym and pool area also proved popular.


Congratulations to all our chess teams, our coaches and team of helpers and arbiters.





Under 9    


Team Name

Game Points


Yateley Manor A



ChessPoint & King’s College



Basingstoke Chess Club A






Under 11    


Team Name

Game Points


Surrey Sharks



Yateley Manor A


3rd =

Basingstoke Chess Club




Under 14/18

Please see the attached comprehensive spreadsheets for the weekend’s full results.


The final weekend of this season’s Junior 4 Nations Chess League will take place 9th-10th April, at the Barcelo Hotel Daventry.


Please contact Claire Summerscale for more details or if you wish to enter additional teams.




Claire Summerscale

Chairman, 4 Nations Chess League


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Junior 4NCL	
Under 14 and Under 18	
Venue:      Hinckley Island Hotel	
Date:       12 Feb 11 to 13 Feb 11	
                                ECF           R O U N D S	
 Pos Player                    Grade   1     2     3     4     5     A   B   C   D	
   1 Green, Conrad............  147A  b8+   w4=   w2+   b11+  w9+    4½  5  802 160
   2 Cross, Alex..............  107C  b3+   w7+   b1-   b8=   w10+   3½  5  607 121
   3 Malwani, Rayan...........  100d  w2-   b6+   w15+  w9+   b4=    3½  5  578 116
   4 Colebourn, James.........   94A  b15+  b1=   w8-   b13+  w3=    3   5  478  96
   5 Dixit, Kumar.............  125A  w6+   w11+  b9+                3   3  498 166
   6 Hilditch, Jamie..........   77E  b5-   w3-   b12+  w7+   w11+   3   5  510 102
   7 Savic, Stefan............   85*  bye+  b2-   w13+  b6-   w12+   3   4  305  76
   8 Greenwood, Jordan........   79*  w1-   b15+  b4+   w2=   b13-   2½  5  430  86
   9 Grattage, Matthew........  174r  b16+  w10+  w5-   b3-   b1-    2   5  633 127
  10 Kozhevnikov, Adrian......   96D  w13+  b9-   b11-  w15+  b2-    2   5  408  82
  11 Shields, Callum T........   98A  b12+  b5-   w10+  w1-   b6-    2   5  446  89
  12 Howard-Jones, Edward.....   60D  w11-  b13=  w6-   b14+  b7-    1½  5  294  59
  13 Yates, Harry.............   61E  b10-  w12=  b7-   w4-   w8+    1½  5  314  63
  14 Atara, Omeet.............   73r                    w12-         0   1   10  10
  15 Radia, Rahul.............   49*  w4-   w8-   b3-   b10-         0   4  146  37
  16 Roper, Harvey............   58r  w9-                            0   1   48  48
     A = Player's score	
     B = Number of graded games played	
     C = Total grading points	
     D = Grading performance	



Junior 4NCL 2nd weekend	
Under 14 and Under 18	
Venue:      Hinckley Island Hotel	
Date:       12 Feb 11 to 13 Feb 11	
                                ECF           R O U N D S	
 No  Player                    Grade   1     2     3     4     5     A   B   C   D
  1B Grattage, Matthew........  174r  b4Y+  w2K+  w1N-  b3K-  b1K-   2   5  633 127
  2B Cross, Alex..............  107C  b3K+  w4N+  b1K-  b3N=  w2K+   3½  5  607 121
  3B Colebourn, James.........   94A  b3Y+  b1K=  w3N-  b2Y+  w3K=   3   5  478  96
  4B Howard-Jones, Edward.....   60D  w2N-  b2Y=  w1Y-  b5Y+  b4N-   1½  5  294  59
Total                                                               10
  1K Green, Conrad............  147A  b3N+  w3B=  w2B+  b2N+  w1B+   4½  5  802 160
  2K Kozhevnikov, Adrian......   96D  w2Y+  b1B-  b2N-  w3Y+  b2B-   2   5  408  82
  3K Malwani, Rayan...........  100d  w2B-  b1Y+  w3Y+  w1B+  b3B=   3½  5  578 116
Total                                                               10 
  1Y Hilditch, Jamie..........   77E  b1N-  w3K-  b4B+  w4N+  w2N+   3   5  510 102
  2Y Yates, Harry.............   61E  b2K-  w4B=  b4N-  w3B-  w3N+   1½  5  314  63
  3Y Radia, Rahul.............   49*  w3B-  w3N-  b3K-  b2K-         0   4  146  37
  4Y Roper, Harvey............   58r  w1B-                           0   1   48  48
  5Y Atara, Omeet.............   73r                    w4B-         0   1   10  10
Total                                                                4½ 
  1N Dixit, Kumar.............  125A  w1Y+  w2N+  b1B+               3   3  498 166
  2N Shields, Callum T........   98A  b4B+  b1N-  w2K+  w1K-  b1Y-   2   5  446  89
  3N Greenwood, Jordan........   79*  w1K-  b3Y+  b3B+  w2B=  b2Y-   2½  5  430  86
  4N Savic, Stefan............   85*  bye+  b2B-  w2Y+  b1Y-  w4B+   3   4  305  76
Total                                                         	    10½
     A = Player's score	
     B = Number of graded games played	
     C = Total grading points	
     D = Grading performance		






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