The Four Nations Chess League does not accept responsibility for the content of other websites, to which this site links.


This website includes information on participants in the Four Nations Chess League in respect of name, grade, title, nationality and sex (team registration lists), as well as telephone number(s), email address(es) and postal address(es) in certain circumstances (team captains/managers, management board members, arbiters etc).


Participants wishing this information not to be included on the website should contact the webmaster to have it removed, but should be aware that in this event they will not be permitted to play in the league.



First named team has white on odd boards


Round 1 - 12 November 2011 Cheddleton 2 vs. Manchester Manticores 4-2
Round 2 - 13 November 2011 Manchester Manticores vs. Bradford DCA Knights B 2½-3½
Round 3 - 14 January 2012 Jorvik vs. Manchester Manticores 3-2
Round 4 - 15 January 2012 Manchester Manticores vs. North East England 2½-3½
Round 5 - 04 February 2012 Holmes Chapel vs. Manchester Manticores 4½-1½
Round 6 - 05 February 2012 Manchester Manticores -

0 game pts = 0 match pts*

Round 7 - 31 March 2012 5 vs. Manchester Manticores 3-3
Round 8 - 01 April 2012 Manchester Manticores vs. 3Cs 2 4-2
Round 9 - 05 May 2012 KJCA Knights vs. Manchester Manticores 1½-4½
Round 10 - 06 May 2012 Manchester Manticores vs. Metropolitan 4-1½
Round 11 - 07 May 2012 Oxford 3 vs. Manchester Manticores 1½-4½

Division 3, Final Standings



Team contact details

Matthew Pollard (Captain)

9 Firwood Court,

Ellesmere Road,

Eccles, Manchester M30 9HP

(0161) 707 1212 (home) or 079584 88405 (mobile)


Registered players




© 2025 4NCL


Four Nations Chess League 2025

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