The Four Nations Chess League does not accept responsibility for the content of other websites, to which this site links.


This website includes information on participants in the Four Nations Chess League in respect of name, grade, title, nationality and sex (team registration lists), as well as telephone number(s), email address(es) and postal address(es) in certain circumstances (team captains/managers, management board members, arbiters etc).


Participants wishing this information not to be included on the website should contact the webmaster to have it removed, but should be aware that in this event they will not be permitted to play in the league.



This page is for Team Captain(s) details. If you wish to contact a member of the Management Board click here. If you need to contact a member of the Arbiter Team click here. Please contact us if you spot errors or require a change/update.


This page last updated 20 July 2012



3Cs 1 & 2
John Walton (Team Secretary)
1 Brookway
Oldham OL4 5BE
(01616) 525813
John Walton


3C's 1st Team Captain

Alan J. Walton

Mob: 07834 220153

Tel: 0161 652 5813

Alan J Walton


3C's 2nd Team Captain

Stephen Rigby

Mob: 07850 015163

Stephen Rigby


The ADs
Ian Snape (Manager)
(020) 8462 5754

or (07950) 263261 (mobile)

Ian Snape


AMCA Dragons, Hippos, Rhinos & Cheetahs [web]
John Upham
(01252) 514 372 (home)

or (07976) 634053 (mobile)
John Upham

Anglian Avengers 1
Mark Gray
(07787) 895493 (mobile)
Mark Gray

Anglian Avengers 2 & 3
Ian Wallis
(07830) 158796 (mobile)
Ian Wallis


Banbury Bulldogs
Nicholas Martin (Manager)

Nicholas Martin

(01295) 660249 (H)

(07540) 084913 (mobile)

Barbican 4NCL 1

Mark Ferguson (Captain)

Flat 6

39 Montagu Square

London W1H 2LL

(07812) 833051

Mark Ferguson


Barbican 4NCL 2
Jonathan Rogers
(07870) 236 898 (mobile)
Jonathan Rogers

Barbican 4NCL Youth
Jonathan Rogers (Captain)
(07870) 236 898 (mobile)
Jonathan Rogers

Blackthorne Russia
Steve Ledger
97 Hartington Street
Bedford MK41 7RN
(01234) 347 707 (H)

or (07773) 059197 (mobile)
Steve Ledger

Bradford DCA Knights A
David Patrick (Captain)

David Patrick


Bradford DCA Knights B
Mike Bramson (Captain)

52 Salisbury Street


Leeds, LS28 5PY

(01132) 554 291

Mike Bramson


Bristol 1, 2 & 3 [web]
David Buckley (Manager)
21 Shakespeare Avenue
Bath BA2 4RF
(01225) 335669 (H)

or (07847) 271887 (mobile)
David Buckley

British Universities' CA. [web]
John Sargent

Alex Holowczak
Alex Holowczak

Brown Jack
Johnajohnsargent@gmail.comthan Bourne (Manager)
22 Tennyson Road
Wootton Bassett
Swindon SN4 8HL
(01793) 848269 (H)

or (01793) 850222 (W)
Johnathan Bourne

Peter Richmond (Captain)
46 Edgehill
(01793) 612358

Cambridge University 1, 2 & 3
Rohan Churm (Captain)
(07803) 923853
Rohan Churm

Celtic Tigers 1 & 2
Peter Kemp
(01342) 717050
Peter Kemp

Cheddleton 1 [web]
Robert Milner (Captain)
411 Cheadle Road
Staffs ST13 7BH
(01782) 550112
Robert Milner

Cheddleton 2

Simon Edwards

32 Crediton Avenue,


Stoke-on-Trent. ST6 7NE.

(01782) 863133 or

07754 839207 (mobile)

Simon Edwards 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 [web]
Sean Hewitt (Captain)
(07883) 495758
Sean Hewitt

FCA Solutions 1 & 2 [web]
Richard Freeman (Captain)
44 Kelling Way
Milton Keynes
MK10 9NW
(01908) 234014 (H)

or (07961) 121010 (mobile)
(0870) 770 4377 (fax)
Richard Freeman

Fermented Sharks

Charles McAleenan (Captain)

(07549) 442012

Charles McAleenan


The Full Ponty [web]
Mark Adams
8 Museum Court
Pontypool NP4 5GZ

Mark Adams


Gloucestershire Gambits
Geoff Taylor (Captain)
71 Linnet Close
Gloucester GL4 4XB
(07918) 648561 (mobile)

or (01452) 527384 (W)

Phil Dodwell
Philip Dodwell

Guildford 1 & 2 [web]
Roger Emerson (Captain)
07860 906 466 (mobile)
Roger Emerson

Guildford 3 [web]
Mike Singleton (Captain)

72, Bolton Road


Surrey KT9 2JB

07818 244254 (Mob),

0208 391 0809 (Home)

Mike Singleton


Nick Walker (Manager)

Nick Walker


Halesowen [web]

Windsor W. A. Peck (Captain)
57A High Street
Madeley, Telford
Shropshire, TF7 5AT
(01952) 587955
Windsor W. A. Peck

Holmes Chapel

Bob Clarke
01477 538720 (W)
01244 677297 (H)
Bob Clark


John Feavyour (Manager)
(01473) 250176
John Feavyour

Steve Ruthen (Captain)
'Forge Barn'
Mill Road
Suffolk IP14 4SE
(01449) 780387 or

(07974) 132240 (mobile)

Steve Ruthen


Richard Mounce

95 Princess Drive

York YO26 5SX

(01904) 787424

Richard Mounce


Jutes of Kent
Andy Mack (Captain)
(07748) 619314 (mobile)
Andy Mack

Kings Head [web]
Colin Mackenzie
9 Allan Way
London W3 0PW
(020) 8992 1849
Colin Mackenzie

KJCA Kings

Peter Bayliss (Manager)
Guildables Farm Cottage
Guildables Lane
Crockham Hill
Kent TN8 6QU
(07926) 807585(mobile)

or (01732) 866556 (H)

Alternative no. (01732) 700500
Peter Bayliss

Lyall Bayliss (Captain)
Lyall Bayliss

KJCA Knights
Sally Coultas-Paul (Manager)
3 Stemp Drive
Crockham Hill
West Sussex RH14 9UE
(01403) 785399

Sally Coultas-Paul


Barnaby Paul (Captain)
details as above

Leeds University Old Boys

Mark Birkin (Captain)

Micklefield Grange, Micklefield Lane,

Rawdon, Leeds LS19 6BA

(01132) 502682 (H)

(07527) 889245 (Mob)

Mark Birkin


Manchester Manticores
Matthew Pollard (Captain)

9 Firwood Court,

Ellesmere Road,

Eccles, Manchester M30 9HP

(0161) 707 1212 (home)

or 079584 88405 (mobile)


Charlie Cooke (Captain)

2 Dorset Road

Wimbledon SW19 3HA
(020) 8286 2300 (H) or (07827) 355459 (mobile)
Charlie Cooke

North East England

Paul Robson

11 Garsdale

Vigo, Birtley

Chester le Street

Co. Durham DH3 2EY

(01914) 103115

Paul Robson


Oxford 1, 2 & 3 [web]
Tim Dickinson (Captain)

Tim Dickinson


Pandora's Box Grantham [web]
Kevin McCarthy

1 Peppercorn Close

Lincoln LN6 7EH

(07778) 155333

Kevin McCarthy


Poisoned Pawns
Stephen Swanson (Captain)
4 Gloucester Close
Herts SG1 3RQ
(01438) 314149 (H) or

(07827) 283043 (mobile)
Stephen Swanson

Rhyfelwyr Essyllwg
Thomas Brown (Captain)
76 Glamorgan Street
Thomas Brown

The Rookies
Chris Gibson (Captain)

8 Crofters Close
East Hunsbury

(07812) 679089
Chris Gibson

Chris Jones (Vice Captain)
(07870) 876174
Chris Jones

Sambuca Sharks
Ben Purton (Captain)
(07738) 361980
Ben Purton

Phil Makepeace (Vice-Captain)

Arnold Lutton
23 Whitmore Way
Essex SS14 3NT
(01268) 280932 or

(07714) 098342 (mobile)
Arnold Lutton

Sons of Anarchy


South Wales Dragons
David James (Captain)
27 Avondale Road
Liverpool L15 3HE
(0151) 733 1853
David James

Charles Morris (Manager)
Grange Road
Denbighshire LL20 8AP
(01978) 869548 (H)

or (01978) 861827 (W)
Charles Morris

Spirit of Atticus [web]
John Carleton (Captain)
21 Allerton Drive
Liverpool L18 6HH
(0151) 724 4515
John Carleton

Sussex Smart Survivors

[Sponsored by Sussex Junior Chess]

Andy Payne (Admin Manager)

222, King Edward Avenue


West Sussex BN14 8DL

(01903) 209415 (H) 

(01903) 721591 (W)

(07708) 410396 (mob)

Andy Payne


Grant Bucher (Captain)

07889 336646 (mob)

Grant Bucher


Warwickshire Select 1 & 2
Andy Baruch (Manager)
(07951) 654580 (mobile)

Andy Baruch

Warwickshire Select 1
Andy Baruch (Captain)
(07951) 654580 (mobile)
Andy Baruch

Warwickshire Select 2
Jill Weaving (Captain)
Jill Weaving

Wessex [web]
Allan Pleasants (Captain)
(07967) 350553 (mobile)
Allan Pleasants

White Rose 1 & 2
Rupert Jones (Manager/Captain)
6 Willow Court
Pool in Wharfedale
Leeds LS21 1RX
(0113) 2037132 or

(07833) 701948 (mobile)
Rupert Jones

Jonathan Arnott
(0114) 2645656

or (07732) 857339 (mobile)
Jonathan Arnott

Ihor Lewyk (Vice-Captain)
1 Garden View
Gilstead, Bingley, BD16 3LL
(01274) 567559 or

(07853) 062644 (mobile)
Ihor Lewyk

Wood Green Hilsmark Kingfisher 1 & 2
Bjorn Tiller (Manager)
Bjorn Tiller

Andrew Greet (Captain)

Andrew Greet




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