Chess Tutors


CSC's innovative approach is to teach chess as a classroom subject in curriculum time. We aim to teach a whole year group at a school sometimes more than one.




As a tutor you will teach each class in a year group for an hour a week and possibly run a club before or after the lessons. During the lesson you will be supported by the class teacher or teaching assistant. We will provide a 30 week curriculum - 10 weeks a term with comprehensive lesson plans, worksheets and handouts. We also provide work books.


We run regular training courses for tutors on teaching chess.


Our tutors are currently active in 300 schools in 80 boroughs and regions across England and Wales. While it is important to have a basic knowledge of chess we have found that having classroom experience or the ability to work with children in a classroom setting is of great value. Enthusiasm and a passion for learning are essential.


If you are interested please complete their tutor vacancies form. Please provide the names and contact details of two referees and their relationship to you.



We will also expect you to attend one of our tutor training courses.


CSC currently have vacancies in;









In London we currently have vacancies in:


Barnet (Wed afternoons) 

Hammersmith & Fulham (Fri afternoons)


For enquiries regarding London please email London Co-ordinator, Jonathan Bryant directly.


Please contact CSC Head Office if you require any for further information.




© 2025 4NCL


Four Nations Chess League 2025

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