4NCL Rules
2022-23 |
01 |
of the
League |
02 |
Entry of
teams |
03 |
players |
04 |
to the
list |
05 |
season |
06 |
cards |
07 |
of the
divisions |
08 |
order |
09 |
of team
lists |
10 |
Reserves |
11 |
penalties |
12 |
play |
13 |
relegation |
14 |
management |
15 |
Conditions |
. |
1 |
Format of the League |
1.1 |
The format
of the
League shall be: |
Division 1, consisting of 12 eight-board teams;
Division 2, consisting of 12 eight-board teams;
Division 3, consisting of two pools each of 12
six-board teams;
Division 4, consisting of six-board teams. |
New teams may
only enter
Division 4.
Dates and venues
will be
published on the
4NCL website.
Each division
will be
contested over
11 rounds,
played over five
including the
Early May Bank
Holiday weekend.
1.2 |
Each team in
Division 1 and
Division 2 must
from both of the
male players;
female players.
1.3 |
There is no such
restriction on
the composition
of teams in the
other divisions. |
. |
2 |
Entry of teams |
2.1 |
To enter the
League, a
manager of a
club submitting
a team or teams
should confirm
the name of each
team and its
division. The
entry fees are
listed in the
and are payable
at the same time
as the entry is
made. If a
manager enters
more than one
team, the teams
may play as
split squads
(where the teams
may not
players) or as
combined squads
(where some
movement between
teams in a squad
is allowed
subject to the
requirements of
section 8 of
these rules).
The decision to
play as combined
or split squads
is irrevocable
for the season. |
2.2 |
No team will be
allowed to
re-enter the
League until
outstanding fees
for that team or
any other team
under the same
management have
been settled. |
2.3 |
A team, once it
has had its
entry accepted,
is not entitled
to a refund of
entry fees
should it
withdraw. |
2.4 |
A fee of £100
will be payable
where a change
to a club or
team name is
made during the
season unless
otherwise agreed
by the
Board. |
. |
3 |
Initial registration of players |
3.1 |
The deadline for
will be
announced in the
Squads failing
to meet this
deadline will be
subject to a
fine of 5% of
their total
entry fee per
day overdue. |
A manager may
register a squad
of up to 16
players per
eight-board team
and up to 12
players per
six-board team,
without further
fees. These
should be made
via the 4NCL
system. If a
manager has
permission in
accordance with
Rule 3.7 to list
a player, this
should also be
stated at the
time of
registration via
the 4NCL online
system. |
3.3 |
registered with
FIDE other than
through the
English Chess
Federation (ECF)
are not required
to be members of
the ECF. |
3.4 |
It is the
to ensure that
all players
other than those
covered by rule
3.3 become Gold
or Platinum
members of the
ECF before the
team list in
which they are
named is
Players who do
not meet this
requirement will
not be permitted
to play and
penalties will
apply. |
3.5 |
The Management
Board may at its
refuse to accept
a player's
registration. |
3.6 |
All participants
in the League
shall consent to
their name,
title and rating
being shown on
the 4NCL
website. Those
wishing to
withhold their
consent shall
not be permitted
to play in the
League. Managers
and any team
captains they
appoint are also
expected to have
their contact
details shown on
the 4NCL
website. |
3.7 |
It is the
of the manager
of a squad
wishing to
retain the
registration of
a player who has
agreed to be
listed for that
squad to obtain
firm evidence of
agreement (which
should be in
writing or by
email and should
record that the
player has been
informed of the
consequences of
giving explicit
consent), such
evidence to be
made available
to the Chief
Arbiter and the
4NCL Board if
A player who has
consented to be
listed for a
particular squad
may not move to
another squad
the manager of that squad voluntarily deregisters the player; or
b. the Chief Arbiter considers that it would be inequitable to hold
the player to
the previous
taking into
account the
circumstances in
which the
commitment had
been given and
any relevant
subsequent to
the giving of
that commitment.
A player who has given explicit consent to be
listed for a
squad but who
wishes to
withdraw that
consent must
contact the
Chief Arbiter
before the
deadline for the
first weekend. |
3.8 |
No player should
be registered
for more than
one squad.
Should a player
be registered
for more than
one squad,
neither captain
consent, the
Chief Arbiter
need take no
action until the
player plays for
a squad, at
which point his
registration for
all other squads
shall be
cancelled. |
. |
4 |
Additions to the registration list |
4.1 |
Additional names
of players
expected to play
during the
season may be
added to a
squad’s list of
players via the
system. The
required is the
same as for the
process. The
date of
shall be taken
as the date when
the registration
is received. |
4.2 |
To play as a
player at a
weekend the
player must be
registered no
later than
midnight of the
Thursday nine
days before the
first round of
the weekend for
the division in
which the player
is to play. |
4.3 |
A fee of £5
shall be paid
for each
above a squad’s
allocation (see
rule 3.2).
registered for a
team may not be
deregistered to
avoid payment of
this fee unless
takes place by
the end of the
week following
the first
playing weekend. |
4.4 |
If a player has
not been
registered by
the deadline,
that player will
only be
permitted to
play as a
wildcard and
must satisfy the
requirements of
section 6 of the
rules. |
. |
5 |
Transfers during the season |
5.1 |
A player who is
named on a
squad’s list of
players may
transfer to
another squad
provided that
the player has
not played
during the
current season
and has not
given explicit
consent to be
listed for that
original squad. |
5.2 |
The Chief
Arbiter will
inform the
player and the
managers of the
relevant squads
whether or not
the transfer has
been accepted. |
5.3 |
The squad to
which the player
is moving must
fulfil all the
requirements for
plus the payment
of a £5
charge (see
rules 4.1-4.4
above). |
5.4 |
The player must
be registered
for the new
squad no later
than midnight of
the Thursday
nine days before
the first round
of the weekend
for the division
in which the
player is to
play. Transfers
later than this
deadline will be
subject to the
wildcard rules.
In this
instance, a
wildcard fee is
payable in
addition to a £5
charge. |
5.5 |
If a team
withdraws from
the League,
players who have
played only for
that team become
free agents and
may choose to
play either for
other teams in
the squad if
applicable or to
join another
squad. In such
cases no
transfer fees
are payable, but
wildcard and
fees will apply
if appropriate. |
. |
6 |
Wild cards |
6.1 |
A wildcard is a
player who is
not registered
for any squad in
the League. No
player whose
registration has
been refused may
be a wildcard. |
6.2 |
Wildcards must
provide a FIDE
number (FIN)
before the
weekend at which
they will be
playing if they
are not English.
In the absence
of a FIN a
player will be
registered with
FIDE as English
and allocated a
FIN by the ECF
when the
rating file is
submitted. The
player may incur
costs from FIDE
to have this
changed. |
6.3 |
A fee of £10
(Divisions 1 and
2) or £5 (all
other Divisions)
shall be paid
for each
wildcard, no
later than the
start of play of
the match in
which the
wildcard first
plays. There is
no fee for each
subsequent game
played by the
wildcard over
the course of a
weekend. |
6.4 |
A wildcard is
not required to
be a member of
the ECF, but
registered with
FIDE as English
must take out
ECF Gold or
before playing
at any
weekends. With
this exception,
a player will
become fully
registered after
the weekend at
which the player
appears as a
wildcard. |
6.5 |
A team in
Division 1 may
play one
wildcard in each
match. |
6.6 |
A team in
Division 2 may
play up to two
wildcards in
each match
provided not
more than one of
the wildcards
plays in the top
half of the
team. |
6.7 |
A team in any
other division
may play up to
four wildcards
in each match
provided not
more than one of
the wildcards
plays in the top
half of the
team. |
6.8 |
Except when a
transfer has
been allowed, a
player named on
a squad’s list
of players is
not available as
a wildcard for
other squads. |
6.9 |
No player may
play as a
wildcard on more
than one weekend
during the
season. |
. |
7 |
Organisation of the divisions |
7.1 |
Divisions 1, 2
and each pool of
Division 3 will
be played as
7.2 |
Division 4 will
be played as a
Swiss tournament
with pairings
based on pairing
guidelines as
determined and
published by the
Chief Arbiter
which may be
amended from
time to time if
deemed in the
best interests
of the League.
If there is an
odd number of
teams playing in
a round, a
pairing will be
. |
8 |
Team lists and board order |
8.1 |
In all
divisions, FIDE
ratings will be
used to
determine the
order of
strength of a
team. For a
player without a
FIDE rating, a
national rating
will be used in
place of an
equivalent FIDE
rating. Managers
may elect to use
the latest
national rating
in place of a
FIDE rating for
any player. This
decision may be
varied between
weekends, but
the same rating
must be used for
a player for all
rounds of a
single weekend,
including both
halves of a
split weekend.
For the purposes
of this rule,
for players on
the ECF list
only ratings in
categories A and
K will be
regarded as
official. |
8.2 |
A player who has
no official
national or FIDE
rating will be
assigned an
estimate by the
Chief Arbiter. |
8.3 |
The average
rating of a team
is calculated as
the average of
the top seven
boards in
Divisions 1 and
2. In the other
divisions the
average rating
is calculated
using all six
players. A
higher team in a
squad must have
an average
rating greater
than that of a
lower team in
that squad for
each round. |
8.4 |
Within a team,
if any two
players are
rated more than
100 points
apart, the
higher rated
player must play
on the higher
board. Between
teams in a
combined squad,
if any two
players are
rated more than
100 points
apart, the
higher rated
player must play
in the higher
team. |
8.5 |
if there is a
conflict between
the 100 point
rule and the
requirements of
Divisions 1 and
2, a single
player may be
lower rated than
would otherwise
have been
However, no
player may break
the 100 point
rule when
compared with
another player
of the same
gender. |
8.6 |
The Chief
Arbiter is
empowered to
require a change
to team lists if
there is a
breach of the
spirit of rule
8.4. |
8.7 |
A complaint
about the
composition of a
team must be
made at least 15
minutes before
the scheduled
start of the
round. |
8.8 |
Where both
managers agree
in advance and
the Chief
consents, the
requirements of
the 100 point
rule within a
team may be
waived, if this
is in the best
interests of the
League. |
8.9 |
Known defaults
must be on the
lowest boards of
the lowest
possible team
having regard to
the gender
requirements of
Divisions 1 and
2. |
. |
9 |
Submission of team lists |
9.1 |
For all fixtures
in a given
weekend, team
lists must be
submitted using
the online
system by
midnight of the
Thursday (i.e.
38 hours before
the scheduled
start of play of
the Saturday
match), with any
declared to the
opposing manager
by the same
deadline. |
9.2 |
Submission of
team lists after
the deadline
will result in
the imposition
of a penalty of
£10 per team per
weekend. |
9.3 |
The penalty
imposed on a
team for late
submission of
its team list
must be paid
within seven
days of the
weekend, or
within seven
days of an
appeal being
Failure to pay
will result in
the exclusion of
the team from
future weekends
until the fine
is paid (see
rule 14.2). |
9.4 |
Any changes to
these lists may
be made without
(provided they
do not introduce
defaults) up to
midnight of the
day before the
fixture. Such
changes should
be made using
the online
system. All team
lists must give
the full names
of the players
clearly in board
order. |
9.5 |
Team lists may
be amended
without penalty
further defaults
are not
introduced) for
beyond captains’
control provided
this is done at
least two hours
before the
scheduled start
of play. |
9.6 |
For split
weekends (when
some divisions
play on
weekends from
others) team
lists for squads
with fixtures on
both weekends
must be
submitted by the
before the
earlier of the
two weekends. If
render the
composition of a
team or teams
illegal, the
Chief Arbiter
may apply game
point penalties
to correct for
any injustice
caused. No
players may play
on both
Saturdays of a
split weekend,
nor on both
Sundays. |
. |
10 |
Reserves |
10.1 |
Up to two
players, who
must be
registered or
eligible to play
as a wildcard,
may be nominated
as reserves for
each team when
the team list is
submitted. |
10.2 |
A player who has not been nominated as a reserve
may be used as
such provided
they are
registered or
eligible to play
as a wildcard,
and are rated at
least 100 points
lower than the
player they
replace. |
10.3 |
The substitution
must meet any
and must occur
not more than 55
minutes after
the scheduled
start of the
round or such
later time as
the two captains
concerned and
the Sector
Arbiter at the
venue may have
agreed before
commencement of
the game. |
10.4 |
The clock of the
reserve shall be
adjusted to show
the elapsed time
subject to a
reduction in
available time
of 30 minutes. |
10.5 |
The improper use
of reserves may
result in the
Chief Arbiter
imposing a
penalty as he
appropriate on
the offending
team. |
. |
11 |
Default penalties |
11.1 |
A team will
incur half a
game point
penalty per
default in
addition to
scoring zero on
each affected
board if the
about the
defaults is
communicated to
the Chief
Arbiter and,
when the
pairings are
known at that
time, to the
opposing manager
at or before
midnight of the
Thursday before
the round. When
the pairings are
not known in
advance notified
defaults for
later in the
weekend will be
published with
the team lists
for the first
round of the
weekend. It is
permissible for
the player
affected by the
notified default
not to appear
for the round in
which the
default occurs.
11.2 |
A team will
incur one game
point penalty
per default in
addition to
scoring zero on
each defaulting
board for each
player, having
been named on a
team list, who
fails to appear
for the match in
question within
one hour after
the start of
play or arrives
but is not
prepared to
play, or if a
default is not
notified until
after the
deadline. |
11.3 |
Any players
without an
opponent will
possible be
offered a FIDE
rated and ECF
rated game
against another
player in a
Pairings for
these games will
be matched in
strength as far
as possible.
Pairings will be
made one hour
after the start
of play, and the
time control for
these games will
be all moves in
90 minutes plus
30 seconds per
move. |
11.4 |
Appeals against
game point
penalties will
be considered
only in
Car breakdowns,
traffic delays,
public transport
delays or
bad weather
(except where a
severe weather
warning can be
shown to have
been issued by
Office) etc.
will not
normally be
Appeals against
game point
penalties must
be made not
later than the
default time in
the game or
games in
question to the
Sector Arbiter
at the venue,
whose decision,
in the interests
of providing
certainty to the
teams involved,
will be final
and not subject
to referral to
the Management
Board or the
Committee. |
11.5 |
When a team
indicates that
it has a
default, the
opposing team
may adjust its
board order, but
not the overall
composition of
the team, to
minimise any
caused. |
11.6 |
If both teams
default on the
same board, no
penalties will
be incurred. |
11.7 |
A team
defaulting a
game for
whatever reason
will incur a
penalty of £20
per defaulted
game unless a
appeal has been
made. This
penalty will not
apply to the
first game
defaulted by a
team during the
season. |
11.8 |
If a Division 1
or 2 team
defaults an
entire match for
whatever reason
a fine of £200
will be incurred
unless a
appeal has been
made. If a
Division 3 East
or West team
defaults an
entire match for
whatever reason
a fine of £100
will be incurred
unless a
appeal has been
made. |
11.9 |
A Division 4
team may
withdraw from an
entire weekend
penalty so long
as the intention
to do so is
notified to the
Chief Arbiter no
later than one
week before the
team list
deadline. |
11.10 |
If a Division 4
team defaults an
entire match for
whatever reason
in any other
circumstances it
will incur a
fine of £50
unless a
appeal has been
made. In all
instances where
a Division 4
team defaults a
match other
teams will be
re-paired as
necessary. |
11.11 |
The default
fines of a team
must be paid
within seven
days of the
default, or
within seven
days of an
appeal being
unless the Chief
Failure to pay
will result in
the exclusion of
the team from
future weekends
until the fine
is paid (see
rule 14.2). |
11.12 |
In the event
that a team in
the view of the
4NCL Board has
during a season,
the 4NCL Board
may at its
insist that that
team post a bond
in the amount of
£250 for a team
in Divisions 1
and 2 or £100
for a team in
any other
division as a
condition of its
entry being
accepted in the
season. The
bond, which will
be held by the
League, shall be
used at the 4NCL
discretion to
defray any
financial costs
incurred by
opposing teams
should the team,
or any other
team under the
same management,
default games in
that following
season. The bond
will be returned
to the team once
in the Board’s
view sufficient
evidence has
been provided
that the team’s
performance has
improved to an
standard. |
. |
12 |
Rules governing play |
12.2 |
The FIDE Laws of
Chess will apply
to all games and
the 4NCL
Fair Play
will apply to
the event.
The starting
times shall
normally be 2pm
on the first day
of the weekend,
1pm on the
middle day of a
weekend and 11am
on the final day
of the weekend.
Captains and
Managers should
make their team
colleagues aware
of these start
times and any
changes to
venues, should
they arise. |
12.3 |
The Sector
Arbiter at a
venue will
endeavour to
pairings both in
the venue and
online ninety
minutes before
the start of
play, and in any
event no later
than one hour
before the start
of play. |
12.4 |
If the late
submission of
all or part of a
team list causes
one or more
pairings to be
published late,
the Sector
Arbiter may, at
his discretion,
deduct time from
the clock of
each member of
the team whose
name was not
published on
time. |
12.5 |
The first-named
team in each
pairing shall
have the white
pieces on the
boards and black
on the
boards. |
12.6 |
The time control
shall be 40
moves in 1 hour
40 minutes plus
50 minutes for
the rest of the
game, with a 30
second increment
per move from
the start of the
game. |
12.7 |
The failure of a
player to appear
at the board
within one hour
after the start
of play will be
treated as a
default. |
12.8 |
A player may ask
their captain or
an arbiter for
any score in any
match at any
time. No other
information may
be provided by a
captain to any
player. Players
must not ask
their team
managers about
whether or not
they should
offer, or accept
the offer of, a
draw. |
12.9 |
Players are
assumed to
consent to
having their
taken; if they
object to this
they should
raise the matter
either with the
arbiters or the
Copyright to
remains with the
photographer. |
. |
13 |
Promotion and relegation |
13.1 |
End of season
team placings
will be decided
in the first
instance on
match point
totals. If at
the end of the
season teams are
tied on match
points, the tie
shall be broken
the game points
provided all
possible matches
between teams
still tied have
been played,
(i) the match
point totals in
the results
between the
teams which
remain tied;
(ii) the game
point totals in
the results
between the
teams which
remain tied;
(iii) the lower
board count in
the results
between the
teams which
remain tied;
(iv) the game
points remaining
elimination of
the bottom board
or boards as
If at any stage
the number of
tied teams is
reduced this
rule is
starting with (i),
to the reduced
number of teams;
the average
rating of the
the toss of a
Tie breaks shall
be applied in
this order until
all ties are
broken. |
13.2 |
Three teams will
be relegated
from Division 1,
three teams will
be promoted from
Division 2, four
teams will be
relegated from
Division 2, and
two teams will
be promoted from
each pool of
Division 3. Two
teams will be
relegated from
each of the
Division 3
pools, and four
teams will be
promoted from
Division 4. The
allocation of
teams promoted
or relegated
into the two
Division 3 pools
will be at the
discretion of
the Management
Board. |
13.3 |
In the event
that existing
teams decide not
to renew their
entries, teams
in the relevant
division that
would otherwise
have been
relegated at the
end of the
season will not
be relegated
(starting with
the relegated
team finishing
in the highest
position, and so
on down the
teams). In the
event that the
number of teams
not renewing
their entries
exceeds the
number of
relegated teams,
extra teams will
be promoted from
the lower
division after
applying the
provisions in
the first
section of this
rule, and so on
down the
divisions as
necessary. |
13.4 |
If an extra team
is needed to be
promoted to
Division 2, the
teams which are
in third place
in each of the
Division 3 pools
are to be ranked
by rating
performance. If
extra teams are
still needed,
this process
will apply to
the teams which
are in fourth
place in each of
the Division 3
pools, and so
on. |
13.5 |
In Divisions 1,
2 and the two
Division 3 pools
no more than one
team from any
squad will be
permitted to
play in the same
division. Where
this situation
is caused by a
team finishing
in a promotion
place, the next
eligible team
will be promoted
instead. Where
this situation
is caused by a
team being
relegated into a
lower division,
the necessary
number of teams
from that squad
will be
relegated from
that division
and the highest
placed team that
would otherwise
have been
relegated will
relegation. The
top placed
eligible teams
will be offered
promotion as
required to
ensure that the
complement of
twelve teams in
Divisions 1, 2
and each pool of
Division 3 is
maintained. |
. |
14 |
Chief Arbiter, appeals and management |
14.1 |
The Chief
Arbiter, Deputy
Chief Arbiter
and the Sector
Arbiter at the
relevant venue
shall be
empowered to
administer the
rules of the
League. |
14.2 |
An appeal
against an
decision must be
made to the
Chief Arbiter,
or the Deputy
Chief Arbiter if
the Chief
Arbiter made the
decision. If
permitted by the
rules, a review
of the outcome
of the appeal
may be made to
an Appeals
consisting of a
third party
arbiter and two
players chosen
from a panel on
payment of a £50
deposit. The
decision of the
Committee will
be final. The
£50 deposit will
be returned if
the Appeals
Committee finds
in favour of the
party requesting
the review. Any
review request
accompanied by a
£50 deposit must
be made to the
Management Board
within seven
days of the
weekend in
question. |
14.3 |
The Management
Board may apply
penalties as it
sees fit for any
flagrant or
breaches of the
spirit as well
as the letter of
the rules. |
14.4 |
The Chairman of
the 4NCL shall
arrange meetings
for captains and
managers, as and
when required,
at which matters
of current
interest and
future policy
shall be
discussed. |
14.5 |
The Management
Board shall
announce the
arrangements for
the following
season including
the entry fees,
the official
closing dates
for the receipt
of entries and
lists and the
name and contact
details of the
Chief Arbiter. |
14.6 |
In all cases the
decisions of the
Management Board
shall be final. |
. |
15 |
Miscellaneous Provisions |
15.1 |
Food and drink
may not be
consumed within
the hotel
buildings or the
hotel car park
unless it has
been purchased
from the hotel,
or is being
consumed in the
guest’s bedroom.
This applies
both to players
and any
persons. |
15.2 |
The 4NCL accepts
for loss or
damage to
Players are
requested to
take sensible
precautions to
avoid losing
personal items
or leaving them
behind at the
conclusion of
each weekend. If
contact should
be made with the
hotel in the
first instance. |
15.3 |
4NCL Ltd do not accept responsibility for the content of other
websites to
which the site
links. |
15.4 |
In addition to
the information
referred to in
rule 3.6 the
website will
include names,
numbers, and
email addresses
of 4NCL
Officials and
Arbiters, and
team captains
and managers. |