3 round-up, 15-16 Feb 2014
John Saunders
As a change from Hinckley
Island, I thought I would bring you this
report from the brand-new Saunders Island, a
small, non-tropical atoll surrounded by
flood water in the royal borough of
Kingston-under-Thames. Actually, we’re still
technically a peninsula: the swollen river
has yet to lap at my front door but I’ve
been practising my breast stroke in the bath
just in case. Thanks to the sterling efforts
of the 4NCL’s live board technicians and
input wallahs, this remotely-written report
lacks only the usual Saturday night saloon
bar gossip; given that it probably only
consisted of recycled chess political gossip
anyway, you’re not missing anything of
Now we turn to pools of a
different type, starting with Pool A:
Guildford 1 were paired with King’s Head
and, all too predictably, committed regicide
á la Charles the First. The only
King’s Head emerging unbeheaded was that
belonging to Aussie IM John-Paul Wallace,
though the copy of the score I have seen
suggests he might have won with best play.
So much for the Roundheads’
victory: the hammerheads (Grantham Sharks)
were not so successful, losing by the odd
point to Wood Green 2. I’m not normally
superstitious but it seems to me that 4NCL
teams with macho names fail to live up to
them more often than not. And I write that
as a retired member of the South Wales
Dragons: this always struck me as not the
cleverest of names, given that the vast
majority of our opposition came from a
country of whom a dragon-slayer is patron
saint. Just asking for trouble, really,
isn’t it? Norwegian prodigy IM Aryan Tari
made his 4NCL debut for Wood Green 2 on top
board but was held to a draw by Peter
The match hinged on a long,
complex and, at times, frantic game between
Holger Grund and Andrew Greet. I hope Andrew
doesn’t think I’m picking on him by
featuring another of his games but at least
he won this one. There were a number of
mistakes but these arose organically from
the sheer quantities of problems that the
players had to solve along the way. I
wouldn’t mind betting there are a few errors
in my analysis, too.
4NCL Division 1a, Round 5, 2014
Holger Grund (Grantham Sharks)
Andrew Greet (Wood Green 2)
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e5 c5 5.a3
Bxc3+ 6.bxc3 Ne7 7.a4 Nbc6 8.Nf3 Qa5 9.Qd2
Bd7 10.Bd3 f6 11.exf6 gxf6 12.0-0 c4 13.Be2
Nf5 14.Ba3 0-0-0 15.Rfb1 Kb8 16.Bc5
16.Qf4+ Qc7 17.Qxc7+ Kxc7 led to a draw in
the game Saravanan-Levitt, Goodricke 1997.
16...Bc8 17.Bf1 Rdg8 18.Rb5 Qc7 19.a5 Rg6
20.Rab1 Ka8

If 20...Nxa5, there’s no immediate
bone-crusher but 21.Ra1 Nc6 22.Bxa7+! Nxa7
23.Rba5 could be the next best thing as
White regains the piece and opens up the
a-file. 21.Bb6!? Possible a bluff.
21...Qg7 After 21...axb6 22.axb6 Qd6
23.Ra1+ Kb8 24.Rb2 Bd7, Black may be
wriggling out of danger after 25...Kc8 and
(if necessary) 26...Nb8. 22.Kh1? It’s
not easy to admit you’re wrong but it may be
best to go back with 22.Bc5 here. Black now
gains some significant tempi, by the end of
which he is well on top. 22...Rg8 23.Ne1
Nd6 24.R5b2 Ne4 25.Qe3 Qh6 Black has
time to exchange the queens before securing
a material advantage. 26.Qxh6 Rxh6
With a bishop and two pawns en prise, White
is in desperate straits. 27.f3 Nd2 28.Bc7
e5 Simply 28...Nxf1 looks good enough.
29.Kg1 Nxb1 30.Rxb1 Bf5 31.Rb5 Rc8 32.Bd6
Rd8 33.Bc5 Rg6 34.Kf2 White is the
exchange down for nothing but can justify
playing on because the black rooks have yet
to establish a way into his position.
34...Rgg8 35.g3 h5 36.Rb2 Nxa5 37.Be7 Rde8
38.Bxf6 Nc6 39.Rb5

Why is it that tricky positions always occur
around the time control? Black has loosend
the pawn structure, which seemed like a good
idea, but it is not clear. 39...exd4?
Too much of a concession. Black needs to
harass the black bishop first, for example
39...Rgf8 or 29...Rg6. 40.Rxd5
Suddenly the c4, c5 and h5 pawns are in
danger. 40...Be6 41.Rxh5 Rgf8 42.Bxd4
Nxd4 43.cxd4 Rd8 44.c3 Bd5 45.f4 Rh8 46.Rxh8
Rxh8 47.h3 b5 48.Ke3 a5 Now you sense
those queenside pawns are going to do the
job but the computer is not yet convinced.
This feels like a very tense, complex game.
More of a cup tie than a league match.
49.Nc2 Kb7 50.f5 Re8+ 51.Kd2 Be4 52.Na3!
52.g4 Bxc2 53.Kxc2 Re1 54.Bg2+ Kc7 55.Bd5
Kd6 seems to favour Black. Keeping the
knight on is more resilient. 52...Kc6
53.g4 Rh8 54.f6!

A pass move like 54.Ke3 is tempting but then
54...Bd3! 55.Bg2+ Kb6 and now 56.Bd5 is
forced otherwise 56...b4 would win a piece.
Black’s winning plan now is 56...Re8+!
57.Kf3 b4! when a black pawn comes to c3 and
wins. If 57 Kd2 instead, Black plays
57...Re2+ and then rounds up the knight.
After 54 f6, the position becomes horribly
difficult to assess and it’s probably not
surprising that both players make mistake.
54...Bd3? Keeping an eye on things
with 54...Bd5 meets with silicon approval
but the position remains very tricky.
55.Bxd3 cxd3 56.g5 56.Kxd3 b4 57.Nc4
Rxh3+ 58.Ke4 bxc3 59.f7 Rh8 60.Kd3! and
White wins. 56...Kd5 57.Nxb5 Ke6
Possibly a mistake. 57...Rxh3 58.f7 Rh8 and
it’s still unclear. 58.Kxd3 Rxh3+ 59.Kc4

59...Rh8 keeps Black in the game.
60.Nc7+? A golden chance goes begging.
After 60.d5+! Kf7 61.d6! Rxg5 (61...Ke6
62.Nd4+! also wins.) 62.d7! Rg8 63.Nd4 Kxf6
64.Nc6 wraps up the win for White.
60...Kf7 61.d5 Rxg5 62.Kb5 Kxf6 63.c4 Rg4
64.d6 a4

65.c5?? White seemingly can’t lose,
e.g. 65.Kxa4 with a drawn endgame, but he
unaccountably lets the a-pawn slip past him.
65...a3 66.d7 Ke7 67.c6 67.Nd5+ Kd8
68.Nc3 Rg2 wins. 67...Rd4 67...a2
68.Ne6 Rg8 is equally effective. 68.Kc5
Rxd7 69.cxd7 Kxd7 0-1
There were some other games
decided by errors, with Wood Green 2 having
more the rub of the green than the poor old
Grantham baskers. And I promise not to mock
their name again (he typed, with his fingers
crossed behind his back, secretly resolving
to do exactly the same thing next weekend).
Main playing hall at Hinckley
Island Hotel |
The other two matches in
Pool A ended 6-2 – a veritable Cleese-Palin
style fish-slapping. Cheddleton beat the
Blackthorne Sturgeons (they’re not called
that but I’m boycotting the R-word at the
moment in solidarity with Ukraine) and
feasted on caviar.
Ilja Zaragatski is a new
name to me – he’s a German-registered GM,
originally from the R-place – but he found a
nice combination to put away Andrew Ledger:
4NCL Division 1a, Round 5, 2014
Ilja Zaragatski (Cheddleton)
Andrew Ledger (Blackthorne Russia)

White to play and find a winning
combination: 37.Bd5+! Kg7 37...Kh8
38.d7 is all over. 38.Rxc8! Rxc8 39.d7!
and it’s all over. Black tried
39...Rb8 40.d8Q Rxd8 41.Ne6+ Kf7 42.Nxd8+
when White was a piece for a pawn up and
won in another 14 moves.
Richard Bates was the only
full point scorer for Blackthorne, beating
the Macedonian GM Aleksandar Colovic. But
things were tougher down, with Cheddleton
enjoying the services of GMs Simon Williams
and Keith Arkell on boards six and seven,
both winning in their typical fashions,
Simon zooming down the fast lane while Keith
was content to enjoy the scenery of a
country lane to his destination.
Barbican 2 produced a clean
sweep of 4-0 with the white pieces in their
match with Oxford. David Zakarian, who is
also the captain of the Oxford Varsity team
and a strong FM from Armenia, went wrong
very quickly against Isaac Sanders and had
to give up material to allow his king to
find safety. He was unable to save the game.
In Pool B, Wood Green
proceeded on their serene way, defeating
Guildford 2 by 5½-2½. Guildford 2 did well
enough to hold their higher-rated opponents
over the top five boards but their extra
strength on the lower boards made the
Barbican 1 versus
e2e4.org.uk proved to be a fateful encounter
for the first-named team. They were stronger
on rating on six boards but four of their
higher-rated brethren went down to defeat.
But the reliable Mark Ferguson didn’t let
down his skipper and finished in attractive
4NCL Division 1b, Round 5,
(Barbican 1)

White is a pawn up and can
grind out a win the long way but the short
cut proves to be risk-free: 48.Rxd6! cxd6
49.b5 The pawns are arranged in an
attractive diamond formation and cannot be
stopped. White would still be winning if the
c4 pawn were to be spirited away from the
board but the d5 pawn has a key function in
supporting the c6 pawn; in its absence,
...Rc8 would simply immobilise the two
passed pawns. 49...Kf6 50.b6 Ke5 51.b7
Rb8 52.c7 Rxb7 53.c8Q Rb3 54.Qf5+ Kd4
55.Qxg5 Ke4 56.Qf5+ Kf3 57.Qc2 1–0
Sam Franklin suffered an
aberration in what looked to be a tenable
position against Peter Sowray.
4NCL Division 1b, Round 5, 2014
Peter Sowray
Sam Franklin
(Barbican 1)

Black must have been concerned about the
vulnerability of his king, or perhaps 31.Ng5
and 32.Nf7+, so he played 30...Kg8??,
only to have Black answer 31.Nf6+!
and it is game over. 31...Kf8
31...Bxf6 32.Qg6+ Kh8 33.Rxf6 also wins.
32.Qg6 and Black resigned. Going
back to the diagram position, it seems that
Black was seeing ghosts. His king was
perfectly safe on h8 and he could safely
take the c-pawn with 30...Qxc4.
4NCL Division 1b, Round 5,
Colin Crouch
(Barbican 1)
Semi-Slav Defence
1.Nf3 d5 2.d4 c6 3.c4 Nf6 4.Nc3 e6 5.e3
a6 I realise that it is circumstantial
evidence but Kasparov played 5...a6 against
Huzman in 2003 - and lost; Aronian played it
against Ding Liren last year - and lost; and
Anand played it against Gelfand in their
2012 world title match - and lost. Maybe the
main line of the Semi-Slav, 5...Nbd7, is a
safer bet. 6.Ne5 Nbd7 7.f4 c5 8.cxd5 exd5
9.Qf3 A new move, which looks good,
putting pressure on the d5 pawn. 9...cxd4
10.exd4 Bb4 11.Bd3 0-0 12.0-0 Nb6 13.g4

13...Ne8?! When your opponent is
bearing down on your kingside, it often
turns out to be later than you think and
here Black doesn’t really have time for this
manoeuvre. Hiarcs suggests 13...Bxc3 14.bxc3
Ne4!?, one point being that 15.Bxe4?! dxe4
16.Qxe4 f6 17.Nd3 Re8 18.Qf3 Bd7 offers
Black some compensation for the sacrificed
pawn. However, 15.c4!? retains a plus for
White. 14.f5 Nc7 If 14...f6, White
plays 15.Ng6! when the capture of the knight
would lead to a routine mate on h7, while
15...Rf7 16.Nf4 leads to a considerable edge
for White. Still, it is probably better than
the text. 15.f6! g6 After 15...gxf6
or 15...Qxf6 16.Qh3 is curtains, of course.
16.Bh6 Re8 The end comes quickly
after this. The computer opts for grim
defence the exchange down after 16...Nc4
17.Bxf8 Nxe5 18.dxe5 Qxf8, which must look
better to the engine than it does to me.
17.Nxg6! hxg6 17...fxg6 18.f7+ Kh8 and
mate follows swiftly. 18.Bxg6 18.Qh3
Ne6 and now 19.Bxg6 also does the trick.
18...Nd7 Black probably knew he was lost
and allowed White an attractive finish.
After 18...fxg6 19.f7+ Kh7, the most forcing
line is 20.Qh3 Bxg4 21.Qxg4 Kxh6 22.fxe8Q
Qxe8 23.Qf4+ g5 24.Qxc7 with a routine win.
19.Bh7+! Kxh7 20.Qf5+ Kh8 21.Bg7+ Kg8
22.Qh5 1-0
Meanwhile Grantham Sharks
were hit rather hard by a White Rose team
whose bottom board was around the same
rating as the Sharks’ number one. Three
draws was probably as much as they could
hope for in the circumstances.
The disparity between
Cambridge University and 3Cs was not quite
so wide but still the Northern side were
still considerably stronger and ran out 6-2
winners. After a slow start, 3Cs found
themselves with a chance of qualification
for the Championship pool should results go
their way, but Cambridge University look
doomed to life in the relegation zone.
Positions after Round 5
Apologies to Blackthorne
Russia and White Rose for omitting their
scores from the end of my Round 3/4 report.
My new failsafe technique of counting off
eight teams should ensure this particular
error does not recur - JS
Division 1, Pool A:
Guildford 1 10(31½), Cheddleton 10(30½),
Grantham Sharks 1 6(21½), Barbican 2 4(19),
Wood Green 2 4(19), Oxford 4(16),
Blackthorne Russia 2(14½), Kings Head 0(8).
Division 1, Pool B: Wood
Green 1 10(31½), Guildford 2 8(26½),
Barbican 1 6(21), e2e4.org.uk 6(17½), White
Rose 4(21), 3Cs 4(19), Cambridge University
2(11), Grantham Sharks 2 0(11½).
Division 2, Pool A:
Warwickshire Select 10(27), Anglian Avengers
8(27), Cambridge University 2 6(22), KJCA
Kings 6(19½), Bristol 5(17½), Poisoned Pawns
2(16½), Rhyfelwyr Essyllwg 2(12½), Wessex
Division 2, Pool B: The ADs
10(25), BCM Dragons 6(21½), White Rose 2
5(20), Hackney 5(19½), Bradford DCA 4(19½),
South Wales Dragons 4(19), Barbican Youth
3(19), Brown Jack 3(15½).
Pool A
This was the round when the
two leading sides in Pool A clashed, but the
sheer weight of the Guildford 1 side, with
four players over 2600, three more in the
2500s and a former women’s world champion on
the bottom board, was a bit hot to handle
for Cheddleton, though their line-up was
also fairly impressive. The only surprise
result was... not really a surprise. How so?
Well, Simon Williams makes a habit of
knocking over much higher rated players and
I imagine he’s done over Mark Hebden a few
times on the circuit. Mark seemed off form
in this encounter and lost rather easily. A
much more interesting game was
Jones-Eggleston, which reflected well on
both players. Eggleston might have been
better at one stage but the final phase was
testament to Gawain Jones’s determination to
force a win at all costs. He reminds me a
bit of the late, great Tony Miles in his
dedication to the struggle.
4NCL Division 1a, Round 6,
Gawain Jones
(Guildford 1)
David Eggleston (Cheddleton)

47...c2? A mistake. 47...Rxe7! is
playable, producing a sort of stand-off
between the two pairs of rooks after
48.R5h6+ Kg5 (where 49.h4+? would only serve
to make White’s game worse after 49...Kg4 ).
48.R5h6+ Kg5 49.Rh5+ Kg6 50.R5h6+ Kg5
Take the draw or risk all on a chance of
victory? 51.h4+! Gawain, like the
Arthurian knight of the same name, is a
brave man. 51...Kg4 52.Rxf6 c1Q+ 53.Kh2
f3 The only way to stave off the twin
mate threats of 54.Rg6 and 54.f3. 54.Rg7+
Kh5 54...Kxh4 leads to an easy mate
after 55.Nxf3+ Kh5 56.Rh7+, etc, but it’s
far from obvious how to proceed after the
text. 55.Nxf3 Weaving a mating net
round the king but the computer finds the
even more devilish 55.Ne2! when 55...fxe2
56.Rh7+ Kg4 57.f3 mate is the primary
threat. 55...Bc2 56.Kg3 Be4 57.Rg5+ Qxg5+
58.hxg5? This could, and probably
should, have cost White the win. 58.Nxg5!
wins, e.g. 58...Rxe7 59.Ne6 with the killing
threat of Nf4 mate, which Black can only
avert at ruinous material cost. 58...Bxf3
59.Kf4! Preparing another mating
threat... 59...Kh4! ... which Black
neatly sidesteps. I wonder if Gawain
overlooked this possibility when he captured
with the pawn on move 58. 60.g6 Rxe7
61.Rf7 61.Kxf3 Kg5 62.Rxa6 should only
draw with best play. 61...Re8?? “Just
when I think I’m out, they pull me back in!”
Al Pacino’s famous line from The
Godfather seems to encapsulate the agony
of Black’s plight. Simply 61...Re6 62.g7
(62.Rh7+ Bh5 63.g7 Rg6 is much the same)
62...Rg6 63.Kxf3 Kg5 and the draw is not far
away. 62.Rh7+ Bh5 63.g7 Rg8 64.Kf5
The key difference between the black rook
being on g8 rather than g6 is that now the
white king can cross the sixth rank and join
in the battle to promote the g-pawn.
64...a5 65.Kf6 a4 65...Rb8 66.Rh8 Rb6+
67.Ke5 and the checks soon run out.
66.Rh8 Rxg7 67.Kxg7 Kg4 67...a3 68.Ra8
Kg4 69.Rxa3 wins. 68.f3+ Kh4 69.f4 a3
70.Kf6 Kg4 71.f5 Kh4 72.Ra8 Bg4 73.Rxa3 Kh5
74.Rg3 Be2 75.Kg7 Kh4 76.Rg6 1-0
Barbican 2 versus Wood Green
2 was a key match in the race to secure
places in the Championship section. There
was very little between the teams in terms
of ratings but the Barbican side, featuring
nobody with a title higher than FM, would
have been pleased to beat a side with two
GMs and an IM. Wood Green had the nucleus of
a Scottish Olympiad team in their midst but
one of their Scottish GMs, John Shaw, went
down to a fellow Caledonian warrior, Graeme
4NCL Division 1a, Round 6,
Graeme Morrison
(Barbican 2)
John Shaw (Wood Green
Slav Defence
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 dxc4 5.a4
Bf5 6.e3 e6 7.Bxc4 Bb4 8.0-0 0-0 9.Qe2 Bg6
10.Ne5 Nbd7 11.Nxg6 hxg6 12.Rd1 Qa5 13.Na2!?
A speculative pawn sacrifice, known to
theory. 13...Qxa4 14.e4 Qa5 15.e5 Nd5
16.h4 Rfe8 17.h5 gxh5 18.Qxh5 g6 19.Qg4 Bf8
20.Bd2 Finally, White plays a new move.
20...Qb6 21.Nc3 Nxc3 This feels a bit
committal. 22.bxc3 a5 23.Bd3 Bg7 24.g3
The precursor to moving the king out of
the rook’s path to h1. Not a subtle plan but
it’s hard to know what to suggest in
response. 24...a4 25.Kg2 a3 26.Qh4 a2
Black seems to be trying to distract White
with his passed a-pawn but White doesn’t
seem overly impressed. 27.Rh1
27...Nxe5 White’s threat is 28.Bh6
Qd8 29.Bg5 Qa5 30.Bc4! Qxc3 31.Bf6 and mate
cannot be averted. 28.dxe5 Qd8 29.Qh7+
Kf8 30.Bh6 Qd5+ 31.f3 Bxh6 31...Qxe5
32.Qh8+ Ke7 33.Qxg7 wins. 32.Qxh6+ Ke7
33.Qg5+ Kd7 34.Rhd1 Kc7 35.Qf6 Qb3 36.Qxf7+
Kb6 37.Qf4 37.Rab1 axb1Q 38.Rxb1 Ra2+
39.Kf1 Rb2 40.Rxb2 Qxb2 41.Qxe8 would be
good enough but looks a bit untidy to the
human eye. 37...Red8 38.Qd2 Ra3 39.Rdb1!
axb1Q 40.Rxb1 Qxb1 41.Qe3+ 1-0
Blackthorne Russia kept up
the fight for a Championship pool place at
the expense of the hapless King’s Head, but
the strongest player on the two teams, Danny
Gormally, lost his game with Aussie IM John
Paul Wallace. Hasn’t been a great year for
Brits facing Aussies in sporting contests,
has it? John Paul’s kingside attack was
reminiscent of Mitchell Johnson but there
was a curious premature resignation by his
opponent at the end which was missed by both
players, until they consulted their silicon
friends after the game.
4NCL Division 1a, Round 6, 2014
John Paul Wallace (King's Head)
Danny Gormally (Blackthorne Russia)
King's Indian Defence
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.f3 Nc6 A
provocative way to reach a sort of King’s
Indian / Benoni hybrid position. 4.d5 Ne5
5.e4 d6 6.Nc3 Bg7 7.f4 Ned7 8.Nh3 0-0 9.Be2
c6 10.Be3 cxd5 11.cxd5 b5 12.a3 a6 13.0-0
Nb6 14.Nf2 e6 15.dxe6 Bxe6 16.Bd4 Rc8
17.g4!? Bc4 After 17...h6, a move such
as 18.g5?! hxg5 19.fxg5 Nfd7 would leave
White dangerously overextended. 18.g5
Bxe2 19.Nxe2 Nh5 20.Bxg7 Nxg7 21.Ng4 Nc4
22.Qb3 h5 23.Nf6+ This looks like a
mighty square for the horse but it might
still be tenable for Black with careful
play. 23...Kh8 24.Rad1 Qb6+ 25.Rf2 Qa7
26.Rd3 Ne6 27.Rh3

27...Nd4 27...Kg7 is still hard to
break down. The text allows a big tactic;
however, White missed his chance. 28.Qd1
28.Rxh5+!! is a classic computer tactic,
but it might not not be out of range of a
GM: 28...gxh5 29.Qh3! Nxe2+ (29...Kg7
30.Nxh5+! Kg6 31.f5+ Nxf5 32.Qxf5+ Kxh5
33.Ng3+ Kh4 34.Qh7+ Kxg5 35.Qh5 mate) 30.Kh1
and mate duly follows. 28...Nxe2+ 29.Qxe2
Kg7 30.b3? 1-0 Black now resigned but he
has a path to safety with 30...Nxa3! when
31.Qb2 fails to 31...Qxf2+!! and Black will
regain his queen after 32.Qxf2 Rc1+ 33.Kg2
Rc2, when White only has a token advantage.
White would have rather more of an advantage
after 30.Rd3!, when the threat of b3 is a
real one.
Grantham Sharks 1 made
virtually sure of their Championship pool
place with a comfortable 5½-2½ win against
Oxford. They sustained a couple of hits,
with David Zakarian beating Holger Grund in
some style, Aidan Rawlinson overcoming
Clement Sreeves, but otherwise the job was
done efficiently.
Pool B
Barbican 1 were up against
the full might of Wood Green 1 and were duly
thrashed. As if that wasn’t bad enough, they
found out later that they had dropped down
the table by no fewer than three places
after this round, and were in grave danger
of not qualifying for the Championship pool.
White Rose moved in the
opposite direction, beating strugglers
Cambridge University and taking over the key
fourth spot in the table with one
preliminary round to come.
e2e4.org.uk had another
excellent day, holding the strong Guildford
2 side to a 4-4 draw, and moving up to third
place in the race for qualification. In
fact, they might have won had Chris Ross not
let Gavin Wall off with a draw at the end of
a tough game.
Positions after Round 6
Division 1, Pool A:
Guildford 1 12(38), Cheddleton 10(32),
Grantham Sharks 1 8(27), Barbican 2 6(24),
Wood Green 2 4(22), Blackthorne Russia
4(19), Oxford 4(18½), Kings Head 0(11½).
Division 1, Pool B: Wood
Green 1 12(37½), Guildford 2 9(30½),
e2e4.org.uk 7(21½), White Rose 6(26), 3Cs
6(25½), Barbican 1 6(23), Cambridge
University 2(14), Grantham Sharks 2 0(13).
Division 2, Pool A:
Warwickshire Select 11(31), Anglian Avengers
9(31), Cambridge University 2 8(27), Bristol
7(24), KJCA Kings 6(22½), Rhyfelwyr Essyllwg
4(17½), Poisoned Pawns 2(19½), Wessex 1(17).
Division 2, Pool B: The ADs
12(31), Hackney 7(25), BCM Dragons 6(25),
South Wales Dragons 6(23½), White Rose 2
5(22), Brown Jack 5(21), Bradford DCA 4(22),
Barbican Youth 3(21½).
Photos ©
John Saunders
Annotated games from the
above report |
in PGN |