Division 3n, Weekend 1, Cedar Court Hotel, Wakefield,
Nov 2016
by Andy
Despite having entered one fewer
team this year, we were not at full strength
this weekend, three regular players having been
recruited by the A Team to play in Division 2
the previous weekend. Like many teams, our
lengthy Registrations list is more notional than
fully operational. Nevertheless, we were able to
field a respectable team, more likely to be
successful on the Saturday than the Sunday,
given the teams we had been drawn against.
For several players involved, a
match against Ashfield/Breadsall is a bit like a
local derby, potentially pitting players who
have played each other on many occasions against
each other. Although such matches are always
amicable, Keith was a bit too friendly in
donating a piece to his opponent fairly early in
the match without gaining any significant
My opponent on Board 5 decided to
liquidate the centre on move 10, granting me
easy equality but offering me few prospects of
playing for a win. My response was to lose
concentration and allow a dangerous attack on
f7, after which I had to struggle to draw a rook
ending a pawn down several hours later.
Meanwhile, on Board 4, John, playing an old
friendly foe, had achieved some space advantage,
but agreed a draw after cagey manoeuvrings in a
complex position left neither player confident
that he had a significant advantage.
Round 1,
Weekend 1, 2016-17 |
starter, bruschetta
and marinated chicken |
On Board 1, Peter played a
King’s Indian Defence which he has employed
successfully several times already this
season where he arranges his knights in a
pretty formation to hold his queenside,
whilst attacking down a kingside file.
Although the position was only equal on move
20, White drifted into horrendous
time-trouble during which Peter overran his
opponent’s position to emerge four pawns up
in a rook ending. White might have resigned
long before he did.
On Board 2, Steve established a
formidable-looking centre against his opponent’s
Sicilian Dragon, but Black’s f5 move undermined
his centre, achieving a crippling of White’s
kingside pawns and ensuring consequent
passivity. Although Black’s active pieces
nurtured his advantage and led to the win, Steve
might have missed the opportunity for a
perpetual check (with 40.Be5!) on his last move before the
And so to our man-of-the-match,
Colm. Employing the French Defence, Colm
gradually took control of the centre,
establishing a powerful knight on e4. Although
White’s pawn advance on the kingside looked
threatening, ultimately it undermined his own
centre, and not having succeeded in castling, he
could not bring his queen’s rook into the game;
White’s position collapsed suddenly. A 3-3 draw,
then, and, considering that the two teams were
fairly equally matched in terms of ratings, both
sides will have been satisfied with this result.
In the absence of our two main
‘marathon men’, we had finished early enough –
for a change - to relax before heading off to
the Delphi, more café than restaurant, but with
a lively atmosphere and prompt service. Greek
food made a refreshing change, and, directed by
Peter, bringing his cosmopolitan experience to
The North, we worked through the mezze with
Whilst we had been evenly
matched with our opposition on Saturday, we were
heavily out-rated on Sunday by Manchester
Manticores 1, who, perhaps conscious that a
large city now fielding four teams cannot boast
a team above Division 3, had recruited an I.M.
to their squad as a special treat for Peter.
Although ultimately we lost heavily, 1-5 did not
represent the ‘battering’ that the score-line
Weekend 1, 2016-17 |
We achieved two draws on the
lower boards after John equalised as Black in a
Reversed Sicilian, and after I also agreed a
draw, feeling I was running out of steam in a
position where I had well posted pieces after
putting my opponent under a great deal of
pressure in the opening. I needed a pawn break,
but judged, rightly or wrongly, that my centre
would become undermined if I pressed much
harder. Meanwhile, Keith, playing the King’s
Indian, had succumbed to a ferocious attack on
his king that had been brewing for some time.
That left the top three
boards in play, marathon affairs in which
our men battled heroically. Peter’s King’s
Indian attack won him the exchange for a
pawn in a complex middle-game, but Black’s
rook and knight combined effectively to net
a couple more pawns, one of which became
The middle game in Colm’s
encounter resolved itself very quickly in a
time-scramble (which I missed whilst
analysing my game) into a rook and pawn
ending which Colm would have drawn but for a
tired aberration.
Steve’s game was to last yet
longer. As Black facing an unusual Stonewall
Attack in which White’s black-squared bishop was
initially outside his pawn chain, Steve
sacrificed a piece for two pawns to strand his
opponent’s king in the centre, and subsequently
succeeded in doubling rooks on the 7th. After
his opponent repulsed this attack, he was left
with rook, knight and pawn against Steve’s rook,
bishop and two pawns.
This eventually became rook and
knight against rook and pawn, but by the end
Steve’s increments were only ‘topping up’ his
remaining minute, and he went astray in the
drawn position. Nought out of three on the top
boards ultimately seemed a harsh outcome. One
consolation was that, had these games taken
place on Saturday, we might have gone to bed
There are fresh teams in
Division 3 North this year, notably a couple of
strong Irish teams, but with a strengthened
team, we have hopes of greater success in the
remaining rounds.
Cedar Court Hotel's second floor Oak and
Cyprus suites provide bright and
spacious playing conditions |
Photos by Steve
Connor |
© 4NCL | Steve Connor
In the above games you can
activate the engine analysis board by clicking
the E8 (assuming White on bottom, D1 otherwise)
shortcut square on the main chessboard.
explore variations by
clicking the from and to squares for the
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indicator to switch the side to move; this
is useful to check for threats in the given
click on the principal
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engine analysis board
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