Female Players - Any captains looking for female players could try contacting Claire Summerscale or Lawrence Cooper.


If you want any information added to this page, please contact us. And when your ad/request is no longer needed, just let us know. Thank you.

17.2.25 - Ryan Pang, a student at Oxford University and with a classical rating of 1860 (FIDE ID) is interested in playing in the 4NCL for the remainder of this season. Please contact by email Ryan Pang if you can help.



28.1.25 - Yawar Jafri (Rated 1722K) from Reading is interested in taking part in the 4NCL Main OTB events. Yawar can only take part play on Saturdays. He would like his son Zain Jafri (1232K) to take part as well. Yawar can give lifts to anyone from his area (Reading). Please contact Yawar Jafri as soon as possible if you can help.



24.11.24 - FM Bernardo Cesar Maestre from Spain, FIDE 2365 (needs 1 IM norm for the title) is looking for a 4NCL team for the 2024-25 OTB season. Bernardo would also like to know what conditions he can be offered. If you can help, please contact Bernardo soon.


23.11.24 - Dylan Wastney (aged 14) would like to join an OTB team for the 2024-25 season. Dylan's current FIDE rating is 1913, ECF 2050+. If you can help, please email Julie Hopkins as soon as possible.



31.10.24 - Giang Nguyen, WFM, ELO 2049, played for Australia in 8 Olympiads (2008-2024), one WIM norm, would like to play some games in the 4NCL during Jan-May 2025. Giang will be based in London. Please contact Giang Nguyen by email if you can help.


27.10.224 - Phumipat Sookphanich would like to play in the 4NCL (rating unknown). Phumipat would require transport. Enquiries to Phumipat Sookphanich.



10.9.24 - Iceni 1 won Division 3 Knights last season. We are now seeking a female player or junior player to play for Iceni 1 in Division 2 for the 2024-25 season. If interested please contact John Feavyour.


09.9.24 - 17 year old FM with current ELO of 2315 and one IM norm, is looking for a Division 1 or 2 team. Happy to pay his own way. Please contact Adam Hunt in the first instance.


09.9.24 - 16 year old very enthusiastic Ukranian player, approximate strength of 1800 is looking for a Division 2 or 3 team. Happy to pay his own way. Please contact Adam Hunt in the first instance.


09.9.24 - Olga Latypova (current FIDE rating 1909) is looking for a team in the Division 2 or 3 for the 24-25 season. Please contact her at yegorych@live.com.



25.8.24 - Polish 19 yr old FM Karol Kacprzak with a current rating 2343 is looking for a team for the 2024-25 season. Karol is interested especially in Division 1 or 2. He was European Team Chess Champion U18 2023 and 2x Polish blitz champion U16 2021 and U18 2023. Please contact karol.kacprzak1106@wp.pl if you can help.


21.8.24 - French player, Mathieu Valença, FIDE rating 2147 and living in Ireland from September, would like to join a team in Division 1 or 2 for the 2024-25 season. Please contact mathieu.valenca@gmail.com if you can help, thank you.


15.8.24 - Armenian GM Aram Hakobyan, FIDE 2617. After having lived and studied in the U.S. is now back in the UK and ready to continue his chess career and would like to join a team in Division 1 for the 2024-25 season. Please contact aramhakobyan.chess@gmail.com to discuss.


07.8.24 - The Brown Jack is looking for players to join a dynamic, fun but small team in the 3rd Division. We are looking to step it up a little and feature at the top end of the table. As such, we are looking for players with a FIDE rating of 1800+, if under 25 years of age or FIDE rating of 2000+ if older. If this is you, then please contact Ben Ogunshola at ogunshola@yahoo.com.



21.7.24 - Iuri Shkuro, a Ukranian GM (FIDE 2566) and now living in Manchester is interested in playing for a team (the league does not matter - the main thing is the funding he will receive). If you can help please contact gm2829iurishkuro@gmail.com.


21.7.24 - 18 year old WFM Martyna Starosta from Poland, with two WIM norms and a current standard rating of 2254, would like to join a team for the 2024-25 season. Please contact mati.starosta@gmail.com if you can help fulfil her dream!


21.7.24 - IM A.Ra.Harikrishnan from India, and with a FIDE Rating of 2480 and 1 GM norm, would like to take part in the 2024-25 season. Please contact harikrishnan.ara@gmail.com if you can help.



19.4.24 - GM Krishnan Sasikiran, rated 2570, is looking for a team to join in Division 1 for the 2024-25 season. He is hoping to combine the 4NCL weekend games with tournaments that he plays in Europe. If you can help, please contact him at sasikiran.krishnan@gmail.com.


12.4.24 - Konstantinos Megalios, an International Master from Greece, and recently residing in Glasgow for chess-related work would like to play OTB in the 4NCL. He is currently rated 2379 and has 2 GM norms. Please contact kosmeg@gmail.com if you're interested.


01.4.24 - Olga Latypova (current fide rating 1831) is looking for a team in Division 2 for the last weekend of the current OTB season and and also for the 24-25 season. Please contact her at yegorych@live.com.



15.2.24 - Wessex are looking to recruit 2-3 additional players - we have teams in 4NCL OTB Div3 & Div4 so can accommodate players ranging from ECF 1000–2200+


We currently range in age from juniors through to (very senior) seniors.


We are a friendly and enthusiastic group of chess amateurs who will welcome new players – we’ll usually meet up on the Saturday night to reflect on the day over dinner and drinks.


We’ve run into “lots of people on holiday / playing other tournaments” syndrome for March so you’ll get a chance to play almost immediately!


We also run 8 teams in the 4NCL Online league and hold weekly Swiss LIChess tournaments which typically attract 15-20 players – we recently celebrated our 200th such event with a record-breaking 37 players!


For more information, please contact Keith Gregory - keith31p@gmail.com, KeithDFG on LIChess.



15.1.24 - FM Martin Istvanovszki, current FIDE rating 2330 and living in Hungary is looking for a team for the 23-24 or 24-25 OTB season. Martin doesn't seek compensation for participation, however, he kindly requests full coverage of expenses, including travel, accommodation, meals, etc. Any possibilities are very welcome. Contact Martin at istvanovszki.martin.92@gmail.com.


15.1.24 - GM Sankalp Gupta from India, FIDE rating 2541, is looking to join a team for the 23-24 OTB season. Contact gsankalp2003@gmail.com if you can help.



09.10.23 - Timofey Krassel, 19 years old with a FIDE rating of 2040 would like to play for a 4NCL team in the 23-24 OTB season. Timothy had a performance rating of 2350 at his last classical tournament at the 50th Dortmund Chess Days in June. He has played in many junior European Championships (classical + rapid and blitz). Please contact timkrassel@gmail.com.


07.10.23 - Piotr Piesik, a Polish International Master and currently representing Czechia would like to join a team in the 4NCL for the 2023-24 OTB season. Piotr, aged 32, has a current FIDE rating of 2426 and has three GM norms. He is a member of teams in Poland, Czechia and Slovakia. Please contact him at p.piesik.ue@gmail.com to discuss options as soon as possible.



10.9.23 - Mark Howitt is hoping to play in the OTB 4NCL for the 23-24 season. Current online strength around 2100. Current OTB strength about 2000. All offers considered. Please contact leedsmark1983@yahoo.co.uk.



26.7.23 - Andrew Dodd, FIDE rating 1549 and Chess Scotland rating 1632 is looking to join a team for the 23-24 season. Andrew is open playing at any level. Please contact him at andrewtodd1997@hotmail.co.uk.


12.7.23 - Latvian GM Arturs Neiksans, current rating 2587, is looking for a team to join for the 23-24 season. Please contact him at arturs.neiksans@gmail.com



08.6.23 - GM Vojtech Plat, current FIDE rating 2516, would like to compete again in the 4NCL for the 23-24 OTB season. Please contact Vojtech if you can help at vojtechplat@seznam.cz.  


07.6.23 - FM Martin Istvanovszki, current FIDE rating 2337 and living in Hungary is looking for a team for the 23-24 OTB season. Any possibilities are very welcome. Contact Martin at istvanovszki.martin.92@gmail.com.



30.11.22 - The Kent Junior Chess Association Kings, are looking for a female player for this season. The team is in division 2. If anyone is interested, please contact appanilkumar@hotmail.com.



30.9.22 - Wessex are looking to recruit 2-3 additional players - we have teams in Div 3 West & Div 3 East. We are a friendly and enthusiastic group of chess amateurs who will welcome new players. For more info, please contact Annie Adaway - Anneadaway@hotmail.com or Keith Gregory - keith31p@gmail.com.


28.9.22 - Iceni would welcome one or two new players. The Iceni players are sociable, and love their chess. Iceni has one team in Division 3 East and two teams in Division 4. If you are interested in joining Iceni, please contact steveruthen@googlemail.com.



16.8.22 - Sebastian Iermito, ELO 2529 with dual citizenship (Argentinia and Italy, but plays for Argentina) is looking to play for a (OTB) team during the forthcoming 22-23 season. Currently living in Italy, Sebastian is returning to Argentina on 17 October for 2-3 months. In January he is definitely moving to Barcelona. He is hoping to play in a team who are prepared to pay him for him playing but all offers are welcome. Contact sebaiermito93@gmail.com if you can help.


05.8.22 - James Scarry, rated 1580 and based in central London is looking for a OTB team. He's prepared to pay his share of costs. Please contact James if you can help at jamesscarry22@gmail.com.



08.6.22 - Sandalakis Angelos (GRE, IRating: 2409, FIDE ID: 4207645) is searching for a team to play for in the 4NCL, on top board if possible. No additional money needed, just accommodation and partial ticket expenses. Contact sandalakis07@yahoo.gr.



19.4.22 - Scott Waugh would like to join a team in the 4NCL (OTB). He is happy to contribute to costs. Please email him at scott.waugh67@gmail.com.



02.3.22 - Uday Kanike ECF 172D, FIDE 1732, USCF 1846 rated player, looking for a team to join in the 4NCL online league. Contact uday.kanike@gmail.com.



19.2.22 - Arnav Sud rated ECF 1400 and based in the Bristol area is looking for a team to join. Please contact meetarnav@yahoo.com.


10.2.22 - GM Marian Petrov (FIDE 2465) is looking for a team for the current OTB season. Please contact him at marian75@abv.bg.



© 2025 4NCL

Four Nations Chess League 2025

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