The Four Nations Chess League does not accept responsibility for the content of other websites, to which this site links.


This website includes information on participants in the Four Nations Chess League in respect of name, grade, title, nationality and sex (team registration lists), as well as telephone number(s), email address(es) and postal address(es) in certain circumstances (team captains/managers, management board members, arbiters etc).


Participants wishing this information not to be included on the website should contact the webmaster to have it removed, but should be aware that in this event they will not be permitted to play in the league.


Home - Last updated 04 Aug 2013


New season 2013/14

The new pages for the season 2013/14 can be found here.

Round 11 report

18.5.13 - A report from round 11 of the final weekend at Hinckley is available here - with thanks to Lawrence Cooper.

Who's up, Who's down?

12.5.13 - After an exciting year congratulations should go to the following winners:

Div 1: Championship Pool: Guildford 1; Div 1: Demotion Pool: Wood Green Hilsmark 2.

Div 2: Promotion Pool: Kings Head; Div 2: Demotion Pool: The AD's.

Div 3: Winners: Hackney.

The following teams were promoted/relegated:

Div 1: Relegated: Sambuca Sharks; War'kshire Select 1; Sth Wales Dragons; BCM Dragons.

Div 2: Promoted: Kings Head; Pandora's Box Grantham; 3Cs 1; Oxford 1.

Div 2: Relegated: Poisoned Pawns; Spirit of Atticus; 2; North East England.

Div 3: Promoted: Hackney; Cambridge University 2; Bradford DCA Knights A; Brown Jack.


GM norm:   James Adair & Bragi Thorfinnsson.
IM norms:   Dan Bisby (Cambridge), James Adair (White Rose), Ezra Kirk (Jutes of Kent), Sam Franklin & Ryan Rhys Griffiths (Barbican).
WIM norms:   Sabrina Chevannes (Cambridge).


For your diary: 4NCL Rapidplay, 5-6 Oct at the Daventry Ct Hotel | All dates for 2013/14 |

Weekend 5, Hinckley Isl.

12.5.13 - Links to all the detailed results and tables from the final weekend are here.

Vassily Ivanchuk and Alexei Shirov unable to secure 4NCL league title


Leonard Barden | 10.5.13

Two unbeaten teams, both packed with elite grandmasters, squared off in this week's final round of the UK national league. Guildford took the 4NCL title by drawing 4-4 with Wood Green, who had tied an earlier match. Read more ...


Yorkshire report

10.5.13 - An excellent pictorial report from Yorkshire Chess about the final weekend is now published - with thanks to Andrew Bak.

FIDE crosstable 

10.5.13 - The final players crosstable has been updated to fix some of the problems in the original. Please click here if you spot any errors - with thanks to Neville Belinfante.

Players Crosstable 2012/13

Fifth Weekend Team Report

09.5.13 - Many thanks to John Carleton (Spirit of Atticus) for another fine report this time about his team's exploits at the final weekend of the season.

4NCL Norms update

06.5.13 - All the norms were achieved apart from a couple. Click for details.

Norms this season

06.5.13 - Subject to confirmation the following norms are possible for this season's 4NCL.

Round 10 report

06.5.13 - A short pictorial report from round 10 is available here - with thanks to Lawrence Cooper.

Division 1 decider

05.5.13 - Monday’s round 11 deciding Championship match Guildford 1 v WGHK 1 will take place in Room 12. Viewing numbers will be limited to allow ‘breathing space’. However, in Room 6, starting at 11.15, there will be a commentary on all 8 boards by IM Malcolm Pein.

Round 9 report

05.5.13 - A short pictorial report from round 9 at Hinckley Island is available here - with thanks to Lawrence Cooper.

PGN games

05.5.13 - Most PGNs from round 9 are now available - Div1 c&d and Div2 c&d. Div 3 to follow.

Division 3 pairings

03.5.13 - Following the late withdrawal of a further team ( 6), a repairing has been necessary for rd9 division 3. The affected pairings are the bottom two in the list - with thanks to Dave Thomas, Neville Belinfante and David Welch.

Division 3 pairings

26.4.13 - Following the withdrawal of Wales Old Boys, revised round 9 pairings for Div 3s have been published - with thanks to Dave Thomas, Neville Belinfante and David Welch. Pairings for rounds 10 and 11 with be published at the venue and on-line as soon as possible after completion of the preceding round.

CHESS magazine



23.4.13 - We are again grateful to Malcolm Pein and Chess & Bridge for permission to publish coverage of the 4NCL in the April and May issues of CHESS Monthly .


Reports by IM Simon Ansell



-  Rds 5&6

 Download PDF


-  Rds 7&8

 Download PDF









J4NCL Weekend 3   

19.4.13 - A report from the final weekend of the junior league at Puma Daventry Court Hotel is available here - with thanks to Andrew Varney.

ECF Membership Scheme


18.4.13 - Adolf Hitler (Bruno Ganz) reacts to the ECF membership scheme introduced in 2012 -

J4NCL Final Weekend

08.4.13 - The final weekend of the junior league took place on 6th and 7th April at the Puma Daventry Court Hotel. It ran alongside the National Junior Squad event. Results and Tables.

Division 3 pairings

05.4.13 - Round 9 pairings for division 3 are now available - with thanks to Dave Thomas, Neville Belinfante and David Welch. Note: The pairings for rounds 10 and 11 will be published during weekend 5, as soon as possible after the preceding round has been completed.

FIDE Ratings and Norms - Neville Belinfante


04.4.13 - FIDE give national leagues the option of submitting results in parts every rating period, or in total at the end of the season. The 4NCL this season will be following its practice over the last few seasons, and submitting all results at the end of the season. This means all games will be included together in the June FIDE Rated List. From next season, FIDE are changing their regulations, so the 4NCL will be obliged to submit their results in part every rating period.


One of the consequences of submitting all results in total at the end of the season, is that the ratings at the start of the season (i.e. Nov 2012) are used for all rating calculations and norm calculations. If any 4NCL players believes that he or she is in line for any title norm, could they please send me their details so I can check their precise requirements.


The norm applicants I am aware of are:

WIM - Sabrina Chevannes; IM - Daniel Bisby, Ezra Kirk, Sam Franklin and James Adair;

GM - Yang-Fan Zhou and Bragi Thorfinnsson.

Final weekend pairings

27.3.13 - Rounds 9-11 pairings for Division 1 & Division 2 (Weekend 5) are now available. Division 3 will be published after the Easter weekend - with thanks to Dave Thomas, Neville Belinfante and David Welch.

Yorkshire report

27.3.13 - Several teams from Yorkshire were in action during Weekend 4. There is a report on their website involving rounds 7 and 8 games - with thanks to Andrew Bak.

Fourth Weekend Report  

27.3.13 - A pictorial report from the fourth weekend at Hinckley Island is available here - with thanks to Lawrence Cooper.

Fourth Weekend Team Report

26.3.13 - Many thanks to John Carleton (Spirit of Atticus) for another excellent report this time about his team's exploits at Hinckley Island.

Weekend 4, Results & Pairings

Rd7 Results 23.3.13

Division 1 Pool A | Rd7 | Division 2 Pool A | Rd7 | Division 3 | Rd7 |
Division 1 Pool B | Rd7 | Division 2 Pool B | Rd7 |

Rd8 Results 24.3.13

Division 1 Ch, Pool | Rd8c | Division 2 Pm, Pool | Rd8c | Division 3 | Rd8 |
Division 1 Dm, Pool | Rd8d | Division 2 Dm, Pool | Rd8d |

Tables after Rd8

Division 1 Championship Pool | Division 2 Promotion Pool | Division 3s & 3n combined |
Division 1 Demotion Pool | Division 2 Demotion Pool

You might need to press F5 (refresh) on your keyboard to view updated results & tables.

Division 3 revised pairings

15.3.13 - Following assorted withdrawals from weekend 4 it has been necessary to amend the pairings again. Changes are shown in italics. Note: There will not be a triangular match - with thanks to Dave Thomas, Neville Belinfante and David Welch.


Older items for this season can be found here.





Whilst we are happy to display entry forms for forthcoming congresses at the 4NCL weekends, please send any such information to Dave Welch. You can find Dave's address here.


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