Four Nations Chess League does not accept
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which this site links.
website includes information on participants in the
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event they will not be permitted to play in the
News Archives 2011/12
LIVE games
02.05.2012 - We plan to
LIVE matches this weekend - with thanks to
David Clayton & Steve Hughes.
- Rd9 Saturday 5th 14:00, Rd10 Sunday 6th 13:00 and Rd11 Monday 7th
11.00. Rate of play (as usual): 40 moves in two hours, then 20 moves in
one hour and an extra 30 minutes for each player to complete the game. A
seven-hour session. [More
Revised Div 3 Rd9 pairings
27.04.2012 -
Following expiry of the deadline for further withdrawals without penalty
and following the withdrawal of Holmes Chapel, the
revised pairings for Rd9 of Div 3 are
now published - Dave Thomas.
From Barcelo to Puma
26.04.2012 - The
ownership of the Barcelo Hotels has now changed to
Puma Hotels.
However nothing has changed going forward in terms of the 4NCL's
arrangements with these hotels - Mike Truran.
Important deadlines
24.04.2012 -
Thursday this week midnight - for registering extra players and telling Neville Belinfante if you cannot raise a team. Regretfully Holmes Chapel have withdrawn
from Division 3. A revised draw will be made as soon as this deadline
has been reached. Thursday next week midnight - for team lists although
much earlier would be preferable. As usual, team lists
should be sent to Neville and Dave Thomas.
2012/13 venue change (Div 3n)
14.04.2012 - A
change has been made to the venue arrangements for the weekend of
12th-13th January 2013 from The Majestic Hotel Harrogate to the
Redworth Hall Hotel.
Division 3: Rd9 pairings
12.04.2012 -
These are
now available -
with thanks to Dave Thomas, Dave Welch & Neville Belinfante.
FIDE Crosstables
Crosstables (xls and csv format) are
available with details (of all players) up
to and including Rds 7&8.
If any player
believes he or she may get a title norm this
season, please contact Neville Belinfantewith
04.04.2012 - A report from the fourth weekend is
available here- with thanks to
Lawrence Cooper.
Yorkshire Teams at 4NCL
Here is a nice report, this time on the fortunes of the various
Yorkshire teams
at last weekend's 4NCL.
Fourth Weekend Team
Report 02.04.2012
Many thanks to John Carleton, Spirit of Atticus Captain, for
providing another
detailed report this time
about his team's matches during rounds 7&8.
Weekend 4, rds 7&8
Results, tables and most PGN's are already available. Some photos to
follow. Many thanks to everyone for another successful and enjoyable
weekend at Hinckley Island.
Zukertort Fund
29.03.2012 -
The fund for restoring the grave of Johannes Zukertort (1842-1888), who
is buried in Brompton Cemetery, London, now stands at over £1,000.
Donations are still welcome.
Official permission has been granted, and
work will begin soon.
Anyone who would like to contribute
should speak to Stuart Conquest, who will be at the 4NCL this weekend.
LIVE games
28.03.2012 - We plan to
LIVE matches this weekend - with thanks to
David Clayton & Steve Hughes.
28.03.2012 - We are pleased to announce that 4NCL now
has new Facebook
Div 1&2 Final Pool Pairings
27.03.2012 - The final pool pairings for
Division 1 and
Division 2 which
start with Round 8 on Sunday are available - with thanks to Neville
Revised Div3 pairings
23.03.2012 - Following the deadline and taking
account of the Sons of Anarchy withdrawal, the newly revised pairings
for weekend 4 are here - with
thanks to Dave Thomas, Neville Belinfante and David Welch.
Blackpool 2012
19.03.2012 - The Blackpool Conference held recently at
the The Imperial Hotel Blackpool was a successful event. The connection
with 4NCL being that we arrange the venue!
Click to see a pictorial summary.
Div 3 Weekend 4
18.03.2012 -
Sons of Anarchy have found it necessary to withdraw from the fourth
weekend of Division Three. However, revised pairings will not be
published until Friday after the deadline by which additional teams may
withdraw without penalty - Dave Thomas.
J4NCL on Chessbase
- Chessbase have
the final report
by Mike Truran. Photos are provided by Ray Morris-Hill.
The J4NCL weekends took place 26-27 Nov 2011, 21-22 Jan and 3-4 Mar
2012, all at
Hinckley Island Hotel.
J4NCL (final) Weekend
11.03.2012 - A pictorial report from the last weekend
of the J4NCL 11/12 season is available
here- with thanks to Mike
More Junior Photos
05.03.2012 - There are more photos from day 2 (of 2)
of the final J4NCL weekend from Hinckley Island
- with thanks again toRay Morris-Hill.
Junior 4NCL Photos
03.03.2012 - There is a excellent set of pictures from
day 1 (of 2) of the final J4NCL weekend from Hinckley Island
- with thanks toRay Morris-Hill.
Division 3: Rd7 pairings (revised) & Rd8
- The original intention to carry
out the round 8 pairings on the Saturday evening once the round 7
results were known, has been revised, as the rules require these
pairings to be published in advance.
In order to produce round 8 pairings
prior to round 7 it has been necessary to reverse the colours of a
limited number of round 7 pairings, and they are
highlighted here- Dave Thomas.
Junior 4NCL Weekend 3
The third and final Junior 4NCL weekend of this season takes place on
3rd & 4th March at
Hinckley Island Hotel.
We welcome entries from teams who have not entered so
far, but would like to try out the Junior 4NCL's offering of competitive
chess and professional coaching for a single weekend.
The entry fee for this weekend is significantly
discounted compared with the full season fee. Please see the attached
entry form - and if you do decide to enter, please book your bedrooms
early as our bedroom allocation gets released soon!
22.02.2012 - The draw for
weekend 4 is here -
with thanks to Dave Thomas, Dave Welch & Neville Belinfante.
Note: Pairings for round 8 will be
published online and at the venue after the completion of round 7. Teams
will, other than in exceptional circumstances, be given the opposite
colour on board one on the two days - Dave Thomas.
How are things in the 4NCL...?
- Peter Doggers has posted a
pictorial report, links and some game replays.
A bit of history and report
- Chessbase have featured a
from weekend 3 with some 4NCL history from Mike Truran.
Photos: Ray Morris-Hill and
Steve Connor.
The Chessbase German site has also
featured a short
on last weekends play, at Sunningdale.
Third weekend Team
14.02.2012 - John Carleton, Spirit
of Atticus Captain, has kindly provided a
report about his teams weekend
at Sunningdale.
Third Weekend report
- A report from the third weekend of the
season is available here- with thanks to
Lawrence Cooper.
PGNs Weekend 3
- All pgns are available for
Weekend 3, rds 5&6 - with thanks to the
game inputters.
11.02.2012 - There is a splendid set of high quality
pictures from round 5 at Sunningdale here
- with thanks toRay Morris-Hill.
LIVE games
08.02.2012 - We plan to
two LIVE matches this weekend - with thanks
to David Clayton and Steve Hughes.
07.02.2012 -
Sons of Anarchy have withdrawn from the third weekend so there is no
longer the necessity for a triangular match. Fortunately they were
on the same score as the three
teams in the jamboree, so the repairing affects only those teams and the
planned opponents of Sons of Anarchy. The revised pairings are
here in italics
- Dave Thomas
Third Weekend report - Div3n
06.02.2012 -
A report from the Division 3n
weekend is available
here- with thanks to Lawrence Cooper.
New ECF Grades
As you are probably aware, the new January ECF grading list went live on
Saturday, which a totally revamped website. These grades will be used
for 80-point rule purposes for players without FIDE ratings, and juniors
for whom opting not to use FIDE ratings, for the weekend of 11/12 Feb.
They will not be used for
the Northern League on 4/5 Feb, since registrations for that weekend
closed prior to publication of the list
- Neville Belinfante.
24.01.2012 -
Results from the 2nd Junior 4NCL weekend are
Division 3s, rds 5&6 pairings
24.01.2012 -
The draw for weekend
Division 3 South is here - with thanks to Dave Thomas, Dave Welch
& Neville Belinfante.
Division 3n
The jamboree pairings for round 6 are now online
Team Report
John Carleton has sent another nice
match report this time about
his teams adventures at Hinckley Island, 14th-15th Jan.
Some photos from weekend 2 at Hinckley are
Second Weekend
A report from the second weekend of the season is available
here - with thanks to
Lawrence Cooper.
4NCL Awards
13.01.2012 -
A short prizegiving ceremony will take place just before the start of
round 3 on Saturday in the Paris Suite. This is to present the awards
from the 2010/11 season. All welcome.
Team list deadline
13.01.2012 - The deadline
for sending team lists was
midnight 12th Jan. About a dozen
were still outstanding before then. Thanks to those who have already
sent theirs.
LIVE games
12.01.2012 - We plan to
LIVE games this weekend - with thanks to
David Clayton.
The J4NCL provides FREE chess tuition between rounds for
all competitors. This coaching gives the chance to have games analysed
by leading masters and professional coaches who were on hand to answer
09.01.2012 -
Unfortunately demand for this event has been insufficient to generate
the Friday night bedroom bookings that would have made it financially
viable from Hinckley Island Hotel's point of view, and so with great
regret we have had to cancel it. Those chessplayers who have booked
Friday night accommodation in anticipation of the event taking place
will of course be able to cancel their rooms at no cost - Mike
Registration lists updated
31.12.2011 - Registration
lists have been updated this morning with recent registrations
(highlighted in green), and will be updated again tomorrow (Sunday)
with the
January 2012 ratings.
Junior 4NCL Weekend 1
Results from the first weekend are here -
with thanks Neville Belinfante.
The first weekend took place 26th-27th November at
Hinckley Island Hotel
with 14 teams competing for prizes.
The J4NCL provided FREE chess tuition between rounds for
all competitors. This coaching gave the chance to have games analysed by
leading masters and professional coaches who were on hand to answer
Division 3s, rds 3&4 pairings
28.11.2011 -
The drawfor
weekend 2,
Division 3 South is here - with thanks to Dave Thomas, Dave Welch
& Neville Belinfante.
J4NCL Teams
17.11.2011 - An updated list of teams competing in the
J4NCL this season is here.
First Weekend report
17.11.2011 -
A report from
the first weekend of the season is available
here - with thanks to
Lawrence Cooper.
15.11.2011 - All the games played in the first weekend
will be sent for grading to the ECF in time to be included in the next
grading list which is scheduled for January next year - Neville
Div3n results and PGNs
15.11.2011 - Many thanks to Lara Barnes and Alex
McFarlane (and anyone else involved in Darlington) for their hard work
over the first weekend and for providing results and PGN's so promptly.
This was a tremendous effort and much appreciated.
First weekend Team report
14.11.2010 -
Thanks to John Carleton (Spirit of
Atticus) whohas
an entertaining report about his teams
adventures at Staverton Park last weekend.
PGNs Weekend 1
14.11.2011 - All files are now
available for
Divs 1-3 - with thanks to the arbiters
and game inputters for their herculean efforts!
Pairings & Results
11.11.2011 - It is envisaged that pairings will be
published online approximately 90 mins before the start of play. In
keeping with normal practice,
hardcopies will also be on display at the venues at the same time. The
former applies so far to
Division 1, Division 2,
and Division 3s.
LIVE games
11.11.2011 - We plan to broadcast
LIVE games this weekend from Div 1 - with
thanks to David Clayton.
09.11.2011 - We will have use of the
Triumph Bar and the Piazza and Rotunda area at Hinckley
Island as parent rest areas at the
Junior 4NCL weekends. The Triumph Bar on its own can accommodate large
numbers of people, and the other two areas are also big open spaces.
In addition, there
will be a competitively priced food menu during the day, and dinner is
half price for children (there will be a fixed price deal like that at
the 'main' 4NCL).
06.11.2011 -
The weekend for next year's 4NCL Rapidplay has now been confirmed as
29th-30th September 2012 and will take place at De Vere Venues Harben
House, Buckinghamshire.
New revision to Div3s
05.11.2011 - The draw has been changed again as SCS
are not playing in the first weekend. Details are
here. New pairings are in
Original pairings before the jamboree, which are back again, are in
J4NCL Teams
03.11.2011 - A running list of teams competing in the
J4NCL this season is being compiled here.
Registrations updated
- from Neville Belinfante
01.11.2011 - The
registrations were updated last night to show the new November
ratings, and highlight juniors. Juniors marked as j* will be using their
converted grades instead of their ratings for choosing board order.
Registration lists
27.10.2011 - The first draft of registrations for the
new season is here (many thanks to
team captains) and to Neville Belinfante to whom enquires should be
RP detailed results
19.10.2011 - Detailed scores including round by round
results (in pdf format), for the team rapidplay are available
here. A text version of the individual
crosstable is also available, which includes the tiebreak details -
with thanks to Neville Belinfante.
RP Sons of Anarchy report
18.10.2011 - See Ben Purton's
report about his new teams'
exploits at the rapidplay last weekend.
RP Individual results in brief
16.10.2011 - 1st: Keith Arkell 6/7; 2nd: John
Richardson 5½/7 on tiebreak (sum of progressive scores); 3rd:
Danny Gormally 5½/7; Grading Prize (175 or Under): Peter
Hunt 4/7; Junior Prize: Adam C Taylor 3/7 ... 50 players
RP Team report
16.10.2011 - Click
here tosee a nice report of the team event
from Jonathan Rogers, made available for the 4NCL website.
RP Team results in brief -
16.10.2011 - 1st: Sons of Anarchy
- 23 game pts; 2nd: Barbican 1 - 22 game pts; 3rd: The ADs
16 game pts (on tie break). U175 Prize - Penyffordd - 13
game pts; Junior Prize - not awarded. 17 teams took part ...
Rapidplay results
16.10.2011 -
The 4NCL is holding its second team and
individual rapidplay championships over 15th-16th October at De Vere
venues Harben House.
Follow these links to see the latest results.
08.09.2011 -
A reminder that the 4NCL Team and Individual Rapidplay Championships
take place on 15-16 October. The entry fee is only £60 per team (up to
six players) for both days and the prize fund is £2,000.
The entry guidelines can be found
here. Please note the entry deadline of
30 September.
03.09.2011 - Please note that some additional requests
have been made on the 'teams/players
wanted' page. A list of ads from
2010/11 is still also available.
09.08.2011 -
IM Paul Littlewood's three winning choices
1. David Ashton vs. Michael Yeo. The annotations are
full of interest and are always objective. The positional piece
sacrifice that occurs in the game, with no obvious immediate win in
sight, is a
delightful concept. I have actually analysed the game myself with the
help of Fritz and it appears that, even with the better defence
suggested on move 18 by Mike in his notes, Black still retains winning
All-in-all, a really fun game which I would have liked
to have played myself!
Richard Savory vs. Paul Webster. A well
executed positional crush where Black was given no chance
for counterplay!
John Feavyour vs. Tyson
Mordue. A real tussle with excellent notes by Tyson. The
final manoeuvring by the three black pieces against the
White Queen is a classic example of how to dominate her
20.07.2011 - The rules for
the coming 2011/2012 season have now been
finalised and can be found on the
4NCL Rules
page. Changes from last season's rules are
marked with a reference within the body of
the text and an accompanying footnote.
Dates for 2012/13
- Mike Truran
18.06.2011 -
These are now available
Please also note that there has been a change to the
2011/2012 dates.
Rounds 7-8 on 31st
March-1st April 2012 will now be a combined weekend for all divisions at
Hinckley Island. We will therefore be having two combined weekends in
total (rounds 7-8 on 31st March-1st April 2012 and rounds 9-11 on
5th-7th May 2012).
More recent 2011/12 news items can be found on