4NCL Junior Team League (completed)

The second edition of this event will take place on Saturday 8 July 2023 at Fairfield Prep School, Leicestershire.


The information & entry information page is here or can be found in the top menu under '4NCLJTL'



Players' 11th birthday must be on or after 1 September 2022.

Players must be rated not in excess of 1500 (rules 1.3 and 2.4).






Results & Pairings | Schedule

Division 1


Round 1


Round 2


Round 3


Round 4


Round 5


Round 6


Round 7




Junior 4NCL Weekend 1 of 3 (23-23) (cancelled)

The first 22-23 weekend was due to take place on 24-25 September 2022 at Woodland Grange, Leamington Spa


Information & Arrangements

Junior 4NCL Weekend 3 of 3 (21-22)

The third and final weekend took place 9 & 10 April at the Mercure Daventry Court Hotel


Thank you for taking part in this event


Information & Arrangements


Division 1


Division 2




Round 1


Round 1


Round 2


Round 2


Round 3


Round 3




Round 4








Round 4


Round 5


Round 5


Round 6




Round 7





Final Table


Final Table


Reserve Games


Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Round 4



Round 5

Round 6

Round 7


The registration list is published here.
Entry guidelines 21-22 | Competition Rules 21-22 | Teams 21-22 | Schedule

The Warwickshire Junior Team League

4NCL and Warwickshire Chess Association are collaborating on a joint event called The Warwickshire Junior Team League. See links below for further details.


Saturday 23 April 2022 at Kenilworth School, Kenilworth CV8 2DA.


Thank you for taking part in this event


Information & Arrangements | Rules 21-22


Division 1

Division 2



Round 1

Round 1

Round 1


Round 2

Round 2

Round 2

Round 3

Round 3

Round 3

Round 4

Round 4

Round 4

Round 5

Round 5

Round 5

Round 6

Round 6

Round 6

Round 7

Round 7

Round 7




The registration list is published here.


Junior 4NCL Weekend 2 of 3

The second 21-22 weekend takes place Sat 5 & Sun 6 Feb at the Holiday Inn South Normanton



Entry guidelines 21-22 | Competition Rules 21-22 | Teams 21-22 | Schedule


Weekend 3: 9-10 April 2022, Mercure Daventry Court Hotel

Junior 4NCL Weekend 1, 21-22

See this wonderful event report from CHlivelylemon at the J4ncl Weekend 1.

Junior 4NCL Weekend 1 of 3

The first 21-22 weekend took place Sat 25 & Sun 26 Sept at Woodland Grange, Leamington Spa



Entry guidelines 21-22 | Competition Rules 21-22 | Teams 21-22 | Schedule


Weekend 2: 5-6 February 2022, Holiday Inn South Normanton

Pairings & Results, Weekend 3, Sat 15 - Sun 16 February 2020


Division 1


Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Round 4

Round 5

Division 2


Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Round 4

Round 5



Division 1

Division 1







Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Round 4

Round 5

Pairings & Results, Weekend 2, Sat 18 - Sun 19 January 2020


Division 1:

Round 1: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/jncl/we2/1/1/export/

Round 2: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/jncl/we2/2/1/export/

Round 3: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/jncl/we2/3/1/export/

Round 4: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/jncl/we2/4/1/export/

Round 5: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/jncl/we2/5/1/export/


Division 2:

Round 1: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/jncl/we2/1/2/export/

Round 2: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/jncl/we2/2/2/export/

Round 3: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/jncl/we2/3/2/export/

Round 4: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/jncl/we2/4/2/export/

Round 5: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/jncl/we2/5/2/export/



Div 1: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/media/jncl/we2/prog-div1.html

Div 2: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/media/jncl/we2/prog-div2.html 


Pairings for friendly games:

Pairings & Results, Weekend 1, Sat 5 - Sun 6 October 2019


Division 1:
Round 1: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/jncl/we1/1/1/export/
Round 2: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/jncl/we1/2/1/export/
Round 3: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/jncl/we1/3/1/export/
Round 4: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/jncl/we1/4/1/export/
Round 5: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/jncl/we1/5/1/export/

Division 2:
Round 1: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/jncl/we1/1/2/export/
Round 2: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/jncl/we1/2/2/export/
Round 3: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/jncl/we1/3/2/export/
Round 4: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/jncl/we1/4/2/export/
Round 5: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/jncl/we1/5/2/export/

Div 1: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/media/jncl/we1/prog-div1.html
Div 2: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/media/jncl/we1/prog-div2.html


Pairings for friendly games:

Round 1: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/jncl/we1/1/extra/
Round 2: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/jncl/we1/2/extra/
Round 3: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/jncl/we1/3/extra/
Round 4: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2019-20/jncl/we1/4/extra/
Round 5:

J4NCL Entry & Information 2019-20

Entry guidelines 19-20 | Competition Rules 19-20 | Tie-Break Rules | Teams 19-20 - updated 29 Sept

J4NCL dates 2019-20

Weekend 1: 5-6 October 2019: Basingstoke Country Hotel

Weekend 2: 18-19 January 2020: Holiday Inn South Normanton

Weekend 3: 15-16 February 2020: Mercure Daventry Court Hotel and Spa

Pairings & Results, Weekend 3, Sat 2 - Sun 3 March, 2019


Venue and direction details


Division 1
Round 1: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we3/1/1/export/
Round 2: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we3/2/1/export/
Round 3: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we3/3/1/export/
Round 4: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we3/4/1/export/
Round 5: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we3/5/1/export/

Division 2
Round 1: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we3/1/2/export/
Round 2: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we3/2/2/export/
Round 3: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we3/3/2/export/
Round 4: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we3/4/2/export/
Round 5: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we3/5/2/export/

Links to tables
Div 1: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/media/jncl/we3/prog-div1.html
Div 2: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/media/jncl/we3/prog-div2.html

Pairings & Results, Weekend 2, Sat 19 - Sun 20 Sept, 2019


Venue and direction details


Division 1, pool a:

Round 1: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we2/1/1a/export/

Round 2: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we2/2/1a/export/

Round 3: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we2/3/1a/export/ 


Division 1, pool b:

Round 1: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we2/1/1b/export/

Round 2: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we2/2/1b/export/

Round 3: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we2/3/1b/export/ 


Division 1, pool c:

Round 4: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we2/4/1c/export/

Round 5: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we2/5/1c/export/  


Division 1, pool d:

Round 4: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we2/4/1d/export/

Round 5: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we2/5/1d/export/ 


Division 2:

Round 1: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we2/1/2/export/

Round 2: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we2/2/2/export/

Round 3: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we2/3/2/export/

Round 4: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we2/4/2/export/

Round 5: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we2/5/2/export/


Links to tables:

Div 1a: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/media/jncl/we2/xtab-div1a.html

Div 1b: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/media/jncl/we2/xtab-div1b.html

Div 1c: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/media/jncl/we2/xtab-div1c.html

Div 1d: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/media/jncl/we2/xtab-div1d.html

Div 2: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/media/jncl/we2/prog-div2.html

Yellow Bellied Knights Success

Team History. We are not a club or a chess association, we are purely a team that got together to have a shot at the J4NCL.


A bunch of privateers - four from Lincolnshire taking on the stronger players. I entered a team 4 years ago which won division 2 on the third weekend. Shortly after that one player moved abroad and one started GCSEs and so chess took a back step for him (education should take priority). So after only one season the team broke up.


Yellow Bellied Knights placed second in Division 2 after Weekend 1 of the J4NCL season. Full table here.

It has taken 4 years to find another group of suitable players (and parents) to form another team. I coach three of the players, the other player being from the team some four years ago. For two of the players this was their first tournament at this level. They all worked really hard and with their focus, were a real credit to themselves, their parents and their schools.


As for the team name. Yellow Belly is the nickname for someone from Lincolnshire although their are various stories as to where that nickname comes from.


- Ian Scott (Team Coach)

Pairings & Results, Weekend 1, Sat 29 - Sun 30 Sept, 2018


Venue and direction details


Division 1:

Round 1: http://www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we1/1/1/export/ 

Round 2: http://www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we1/2/1/export/ 

Round 3: http://www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we1/3/1/export/ 

Round 4: http://www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we1/4/1/export/ 

Round 5: http://www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we1/5/1/export/ 


Division 2:

Round 1: http://www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we1/1/2/export/ 

Round 2: http://www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we1/2/2/export/ 

Round 3: http://www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we1/3/2/export/ 

Round 4: http://www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we1/4/2/export/ 

Round 5: http://www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/jncl/we1/5/2/export/ 



Div 1: http://www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/media/jncl/we1/prog-div1.html 

Div 2: http://www.4nclresults.co.uk/2018-19/media/jncl/we1/prog-div2.html

J4NCL dates 18-19

(1)   29-30 September 2018 Mercure Daventry Court
(2)   19-20 January 2019 The St Johns Hotel Solihull
(3)   2-3 March 2019 Mercure Daventry Court

Season 18-19

Information & entry | Competition rules | Tie-break regulations | Online entry | List of teams | 5-Round Schedule

Information & Entry

Please see the latest entry details for the forthcoming season with a link included to the 2018-19 entry form (in MS Excel format).

Junior 4NCL

Please complete the online form here if you would be interested in either:

  1. being a member of a composite Junior 4NCL team of other players who have also submitted a registration of interest form; or

  2. being contacted by a current Junior 4NCL team captain who requires additional players.

The form is not to enter the event, it is to register your interest to play in 2018-19.


Junior Players - If any captain is looking for junior player for their team then please contact Abhijit Kumar abhijitkumar123@gmail.com.

Coaching at the J4NCL Weekend 3 (2017-18) from Andrew Martin




Pairings & Results, Weekend 3 Sat 21 - Sun 22 April, 2018


Venue and direction details


Division 1:

Round 1: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we3/1/1/export/
Round 2: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we3/2/1/export/
Round 3: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we3/3/1/export/
Round 4: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we3/4/1/export/
Round 5: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we3/5/1/export/

Tables:  www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/media/jncl/we3/prog-div1.html

Division 2:

Round 1: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we3/1/2/export/
Round 2: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we3/2/2/export/
Round 3: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we3/3/2/export/
Round 4: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we3/4/2/export/
Round 5: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we3/5/2/export/

Tables: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/media/jncl/we3/prog-div2.html


Reserve Games:

Round 1: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we3/1/extra/
Round 2: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we3/2/extra/
Round 3: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we3/3/extra/
Round 4: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we3/4/extra/
Round 5: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we3/5/extra/



Coaching at the J4NCL Weekend 2 from Andrew Martin




Pairings & Results, Weekend 2 Sat 20 - Sun 21 Jan, 2018


Div 1 results
Round 1: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we2/1/1/export/
Round 2: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we2/2/1/export/
Round 3: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we2/3/1/export/
Round 4: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we2/4/1/export/
Round 5: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we2/5/1/export/

Div 2 results
Round 1: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we2/1/2/export/
Round 2: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we2/2/2/export/
Round 3: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we2/3/2/export/
Round 4: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we2/4/2/export/
Round 5: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we2/5/2/export/

Reserve Games
Round 1: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we2/1/extra/
Round 2: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we2/2/extra/
Round 3: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we2/3/extra/
Round 4: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we2/4/extra/
Round 5: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/jncl/we2/5/extra/

Div 1: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/media/jncl/we2/prog-div1.html
Div 2: www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/media/jncl/we2/prog-div2.html

Pairings & Results, Weekend 1 Sat 30 Sept - Sun 1 Oct, 2017.


Division One results:

Division One table:

Division Two results:

Division Two table:


J4NCL 2017-18

21.7.17 - We are pleased to publish the J4NCL competition rules and entry details for the forthcoming season. The first weekend takes place 30 Sept - 1 October 2017 at De Vere Wokefield Estate. 

Junior 4NCL Weekend 3, Sat 22 - Sun 23 April 2017 ~ St Johns Hotel, Solihull


Division 1a(c)


Division 1b(d)


Division 2

Pairings and Results


Pairings and Results


Pairings and Results

Round 1(a)

Round 2(a)

Round 3(a)

Round 4(c)

Round 5(c)


Table Div 1(a)

Table Div 1(c)


Round 1(b)

Round 2(b)

Round 3(b)

Round 4(d)

Round 5(d)


Table Div 1(b)

Table Div 1(d)


Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Round 4

Round 5


Table Div 2


Rd1: Sat 10.30-12.30 | Rd2: Sat 14.00-16.00 | Rd3: Sat 16.45-18.45 | Rd4: Sun 09.30-11.30 | Rd5: Sun 13.00-15.00 |

Junior 4NCL Weekend 2, Sat 21 - Sun 22 January 2017 ~ St Johns Hotel, Solihull


Division 1


Division 2


Pairings and Results


Pairings and Results


Round 1: Sat 10.30-12.30

Round 2: Sat 14.00-16.00

Round 3: Sat 16.45-18.45

Round 4: Sun 09.30-11.30

Round 5: Sun 13.00-15.00


Table Division 1


Round 1: Sat 10.30-12.30

Round 2: Sat 14.00-16.00

Round 3: Sat 16.45-18.45

Round 4: Sun 09.30-11.30

Round 5: Sun 13.00-15.00


Table Division 2


Junior 4NCL Weekend 1, Sat 1 - Sun 2 October 2016 ~ De Vere Wokefield Park


Division 1


Division 2


Pairings and Results


Pairings and Results


Round 1: Sat 10.30-12.30

Round 2: Sat 14.00-16.00

Round 3: Sat 16.45-18.45

Round 4: Sun 09.30-11.30

Round 5: Sun 13.00-15.00


Table Division 1


Round 1: Sat 10.30-12.30

Round 2: Sat 14.00-16.00

Round 3: Sat 16.45-18.45

Round 4: Sun 09.30-11.30

Round 5: Sun 13.00-15.00


Table Division 2


Junior 4NCL Weekend 3, Sat 12 - Sun 13 March 2016 ~ Park Inn, Birmingham West


Results & Pairings for round 1:

Results & Pairings for round 2:

Results & Pairings for round 3:

Results & Pairings for round 4:

Results & Pairings for round 5:

League tables:


Venue | Location of Park Inn, Birmingham West |



14.8.14 - The first 2014-15 weekend will be hosted and sponsored by Hotels Collection Daventry Court.



Weekend 1: 4th and 5th October 2014 @ Daventry

Weekend 2: 22nd and 23rd November 2014 @ Hinckley

Weekend 3: 24th and 25th January 2015 @ Hinckley


J4NCL Weekend 3 - 11 & 12 Jan 2014, Daventry Court Hotel

Rd1 Rd2 Rd3 Rd4 Rd5 | Overall table after Weekend 2 | Teams | Registered Players |


J4NCL Weekend 1, 2013-14 - 5-6 October 2013 Daventry Court Hotel


Rd1 Rd2 Rd3 Rd4 Rd5 | Table after Weekend 1 | Photos | Teams | Registered Players |


J4NCL Weekend 2, 2013-14 - 16 & 17 Nov 2013, Daventry Court Hotel

Rd1 Rd2 Rd3 Rd4 Rd5 | Overall table after Weekend 2 | Teams | Photos | Registered Players |


Gibraltar Junior 2014



14.8.14 - This event takes place from August 21st-26th at the Caleta Hotel, Gibraltar.

The prize fund is £10,000.


The event follows the successful pattern of the Tradewise Gibraltar Festival, offering very competitive chess-playing opportunities with an equally strong social, fun and educational programme.


Official site |









Final Weekend Report






All of the players in Beethoven’s Fifth made crucial contributions to the team’s results for the weekend.


On paper, the Midland Monarchs were the second strongest team, and it was a great start when we beat them in the first round. In the second round we faced Witney, a team stronger in reality than their grades would suggest. Fortunately for us, they had 6 team members that they were cycling and one of their stronger players was not playing in that round; even so, we did not quite manage to beat them, Alyssa outplaying her opponent throughout the game but then missing some tactics which gave a clear win, so having to settle for a draw.


The third round opponents were Yateley Manor, a team that we outgraded significantly on every board except board 4. It all looked as if it was well in the bag on the other boards, but unfortunately Vickie was having a bad day (it happens to all of us) and blundered to lose her game. So the team was especially grateful for Aishwarya’s win on board 4, which meant the match was another win for the team. End of Saturday, 5/6 match points, 2nd place behind Gloucester Giants on 6/6 and everything to play for on the Sunday.


On previous weekends, the Beethoven’s Fifth team have done far better on the Saturday than the Sunday. This has been in a large part due to the “pool” system where with 8 teams, the top 2 from each pool play the other top 2 on the second day.



For this last weekend of the season, there were only 6 teams entered, so the format was all-play-all. But as round 4 progressed, it started to look like the Sunday jinx was continuing. While the players in the Welsh Dragons team had quite low published ECF grades (and/or WCU ratings), as is often the case with stronger juniors, this clearly did not give a fair representation of their current playing ability.


Aishwarya was playing her best friend Emily, and was winning comfortably, until suddenly she lost. Alyssa was outplayed by her fellow countryman on board 1 in the end game after an equal opening and middle game. It was not a complete rout, since Zoe played very strong chess to win on board 3 and Vickie held the draw on board 2 despite being two pawns down.


Still, that left everything hanging on the final game against the toughest team in the competition, the overall winners, the Gloucester Giants (“McLarens +1”). Only a win would guarantee a trophy to add to the prize money for the season. That would be second place. A draw would give third or fourth place depending on the exact results from the other teams. A loss was almost certain to mean fourth place on game points. Aishwarya hung on heroically for a long time, but finally succumbed to an on-form opponent 40 grading points ahead of her and playing well above his grade. Alyssa played a solid game to score a draw against Charlie. Zoe managed to make it a fantastic tournament performance of 5/5 with a win against Harry. It was all down to Vickie.


The last game, still playing. Dangers of being distracted by people crowding round. She was a piece for a pawn up but much lower on time. Well, she pulled the rabbit out of the hat just when it was needed! Turning down a draw, she managed to swap off queens and rooks to get a winning end game while thinking in her opponent’s time. At one point Tom had 20 minutes to Vickie’s 6 minutes, but by the end when Tom, in Zugzwang, resigned, both clocks showed about 2 to 3 minutes left (Fischer timings helped!)


- Andrew Varney


4NCL Final Weekend


The final weekend of the junior league took place on 6th and 7th April at the Puma Daventry Court Hotel. It ran alongside the National Junior Squad event.


Final Standings


Team 1 2 3 Total
Gloucester Giants 7 10 8 25
Beethoven's Fifth 5 4 7 16
Midland Monarchs   8 5 13
Witney 2 2 6 10
Chessnuts 10     10
Dreigiau Coch   5 4 9
Nottingham Juniors 2 6   8
Yateley Manor A 6 1 0 7
Yateley Manor B 5     5
Marchogion Cymraeg   4   4
Brown Jack 3     3


Saturday & Sunday draw & results


Round 1





Beethoven's Fifth


Midland Monarchs



Gloucester Giants

Yateley Manor



Welsh Dragons





Round 2





Midland Monarchs




Welsh Dragons

Gloucester Giants



Yateley Manor

Beethoven's Fifth









Round 3









Midland Monarchs

Yateley Manor


Beethoven's Fifth

Welsh Dragons


Gloucester Giants





Round 4





Midland Monarchs



Gloucester Giants

Beethoven's Fifth


Welsh Dragons





Yateley Manor





Round 5





Yateley Manor


Midland Monarchs

Welsh Dragons



Gloucester Giants


Beethoven's Fifth






Table after Saturday & Sunday's games











Gloucester Giants








Beethoven's Fifth


















Midland Monarchs








Welsh Dragons









Yateley Manor
















Weekend 2 - 23rd-24th Feb 2013





The junior 4NCL weekend that had been postponed because of the weather in January took place alongside Division Three South. Whilst the event had a relatively modest entry of eight teams it was a well-organised event played in a good spirit with top seeds Gloucester Giants winning all five matches to take first place. The format was two groups of four playing each other on Saturday with the top two in each then forming a group of four with the result between the two qualifying teams being carried forward.


Congratulations to the winning team of Charlie, Thomas and Harry McLaren and Daniel Varney who had a surprisingly comfortable victory against Midland Monarchs in round five when both teams had maximum points but Midland Monarchs were leading on game points and so only needed a 2-2 draw to take first place. As the manager of Midland Monarchs I would like to congratulate Gloucester Giants who, by virtue of having played in the first weekend, appear to have an almost decisive lead in the overall standings. I would also like to thank Angelica Dean, Rajen Parekh, Jennifer Neil and Asha Jina who all performed well for my team and ensured that first place remained wide open going into the last round.


The final weekend of the junior league takes place on 6th and 7th April, again at the Puma Daventry Court Hotel and I hope that more teams will enter, although the fact that it is running alongside Peter Purland’s National Junior Squad event (a regrettable necessity given the need to ensure an adequate number of booked bedrooms to make it worth the venue’s while to provide a free playing venue) may deny some of the stronger teams of their top boards - Lawrence Cooper.


Saturday draw


Round 1      
A Beethoven's Fifth ½ Dreigiau Coch
A Midland Monarchs 4 0 Yateley Manor
B Gloucester Giants ½ Marchogion Cymraeg
B Nottingham Juniors Witney
Round 2      
A Dreigiau Coch 1 3 Midland Monarchs
A Yateley Manor ½ Beethoven's Fifth
B Marchogion Cymraeg 0 4 Nottingham Juniors
B Witney Gloucester Giants
Round 3      
A Beethoven's Fifth ½ Midland Monarchs
A Dreigiau Coch 2 2 Yateley Manor
B Gloucester Giants 3 1 Nottingham Juniors
B Marchogion Cymraeg Witney



Saturday table


1 Beethoven's Fifth 3 2 0 1 4
2 Dreigiau Coch 3 0 1 2 1
3 Midland Monarchs 3 3 0 0 10½ 6
4 Yateley Manor 3 0 1 2 1
1 Gloucester Giants 3 3 0 0 9 3 6
2 Marchogion Cymraeg 3 1 0 2 3 9 2
3 Nottingham Juniors 3 2 0 1 4
4 Witney 3 0 0 3 0



Sunday draw


Carried Forward      
A Beethoven's Fifth ½ Midland Monarchs
A Dreigiau Coch 2 2 Yateley Manor
B Gloucester Giants 3 1 Nottingham Juniors
B Marchogion Cymraeg Witney
Round 4      9:30am
C Beethoven's Fifth Gloucester Giants
C Midland Monarchs 3 1 Nottingham Juniors
D Marchogion Cymraeg Dreigiau Coch
D Witney 4 0 Yateley Manor
Round 5     1:00pm
C Gloucester Giants ½ Midland Monarchs
C Nottingham Juniors Beethoven's Fifth
D Dreigiau Coch Witney
D Yateley Manor ½ Marchogion Cymraeg



Sunday table


1 Beethoven's Fifth 3 0 0 3 0
2 Gloucester Giants 3 3 0 0 9 3 6
3 Midland Monarchs 3 2 0 1 7 5 4
4 Nottingham Juniors 3 1 0 2 2
1 Dreigiau Coch 3 2 1 0 7 5 5
2 Marchogion Cymraeg 3 2 0 1 4
3 Witney 3 1 0 2 7 5 2
4 Yateley Manor 3 0 1 2 1



Table after weekend 2


Team 1 2 3 Total
Gloucester Giants 7 10   17
Chessnuts 10     10
Beethoven's Fifth 5 4   9
Midland Monarchs   8   8
Nottingham Juniors 2 6   8
Yateley Manor A 6 1   7
Dreigiau Coch   5   5
Yateley Manor B 5     5
Marchogion Cymraeg   4   4
Witney 2 2   4
Brown Jack 3     3



See photos from Weekend 2 taken by Sean Terry.


Junior teams competing in the 2012/13 season are listed here.



Junior Four Nations League (J4NCL) - End of Term Report 2011/12 by Mike Truran



3 cheers for the Junior 4NCL weekend, enjoyed by all


This season’s competition was bigger and better than ever, with teams of all ages competing over three weekends in two separate divisions. Like its senior equivalent, the Junior Four Nations Chess League (J4NCL) has the advantage of taking place in excellent quality playing conditions in premier hotels across the UK.


This season’s competition took place at Puma Hotels UK’s flagship Hinckley Island Hotel, so parents could also have a relaxing weekend away at a top four-star hotel while their children locked horns over the chess board. And with bedrooms and meals at the usual discounted 4NCL rates it meant that a family weekend away wasn’t going to break the bank either.


As well as the high quality playing conditions, the J4NCL differentiates itself from most other junior events in offering free structured coaching between rounds for all the children, and the coaches also go through games on a one-to-one basis with any juniors who finish their games early. This season’s coaches (GM Nick Pert, IM Andrew Martin and WFM Sabrina Chevannes) did a fine job; on occasion the job seemed (to this observer at least) to be as much an exercise in riot control as anything else, but the coaches all came through in grand style and we had lots of compliments from parents about the quality of the coaching. Another difference from many other junior (and senior) events is that teams can enter either for the whole season or for individual weekends. Moreover, we have no rules as to who can or can’t be in a team (they can be school-based, club-based, family-based, or just a collection of friends who like playing together); even individual children without a team will be found a home somewhere. Nor do we have any age-restricted sections or age handicap rules, on the basis that (as they say in football) ‘If you’re good enough you’re old enough’. So long as they’re juniors, the more the merrier!



Winning Team: Cumnor and Witney at the prizegiving ceremony

When the dust settled at the end of the final weekend Cumnor and Witney finished just ahead of Yateley Manor by a single match point in Division 1. One match point behind them at the start of the penultimate round, they edged a 2½:1½ win, with your correspondent’s son ‘taking one for the team’ in the last game to finish, agreeing a draw to secure the match in a winning position but where he was short of time. Andrew Martin said after the game “You both played like old men”, which I take to be a compliment about the maturity of their playing styles rather than a comment on the geriatric nature of their play!


Division 2 was just as exciting, with Northampton Juniors just edging out another of Yateley Manor’s teams, again by a single match point. Yateley Manor and Northampton Juniors deserve a particular mention for their fantastic support for the J4NCL, fielding no fewer than six and four teams respectively at the final weekend. In addition to the cash prizes on offer, the prize-giving ceremony on Sunday afternoon saw all players receive a certificate and a badge, with the top individual scorers receiving medals and winning team members being presented with medals and a trophy. So everyone got something to take home as a memento.


The standard of the chess was generally excellent, and various parents commented on how much better many of the juniors were playing by the third weekend compared with the first. Children do of course improve fast at this age, but we like to think that the J4NCL coaching had something to do with it as well! Nonetheless, in any event with a range of chess playing ability some memorable moments are bound to occur:


Children to arbiter: “Is this position stalemate?”

Arbiter to children: “Well, let me see. Whose move is it?”

Children to arbiter: “We don’t know!”

Arthur’s opponent to arbiter: “Arthur has just put his king on that square (pointing to b7) after moving it to that square (pointing to b5)”.

Arthur (getting tearful): “No I didn’t!”

Arthur’s opponent: “I hate you!”

Arthur dissolves in tears.

Arbiter (tactfully) to two juniors who have played out well over a hundred moves at lightning speed since the start of a Q and K vs K ending (the player with the Q having forgotten about his own K, making things a touch tricky): “I think it’s time for lunch now.”



Cumnor and Witney vs Yateley Manor match in progress

All part of the thrills and spills in the lower reaches of the J4NCL, and a salutary lesson for any arbiters who think they have seen it all!


It only remains for me to thank the parents and children for supporting the J4NCL, the organisers, arbiters and coaches for ensuring an enjoyable and stress-free experience for the players (although their own stress levels were on occasion sorely tested!), the John Robinson Trust for their generous sponsorship of the J4NCL, and Puma Hotels for their continuing support of both the 4NCL and the J4NCL. And now it’s on to planning for the 2012/13 season!




Division 1:





Match Pts

Game Pts


Cumnor and Witney




Yateley Manor A




Yateley Manor B







Division 2:





Match Pts

Game Pts


Northampton Junior B




Yateley Manor A




Northampton Junior Girls




Many more photos from this event are available on Ray Morris-Hill galleries.


Mike Truran

March 2012



Results: 2nd weekend, 2011/12 season

Division 2
1st Yateley Manor A 7/10 (13 game points)
2nd Cumnor & Witney 6/10 (11)
3rd Northampton 5/10 (9½)
4th Manchester 5/10 (9)
5th Yateley Manor B 3 (7½)

Top Scorers
Harry Grieve 5/5
Daniel Varney & Joost Hoppe 4/5

Division 3
1st Great Houghton & ChessPoint 12/14 (37½ Game Points)
2nd Yateley Manor Tigers 11/14 (37½)
3rd Yateley Manor Lions 10/14 (36)
4th Northampton Junior B 10/14 (33½)
5th Dulwich Prep London 7/14 (28½)
6th Northampton Junior Girls 6/14 (26½)
7th Northampton Junior C 6/14 (24½)
8th Yateley Manor Cheetahs 4/14 (22)
9th Yateley Manor Pumas 4/14 (20)
10th Yateley Manor Jaguars 2/14 (21½)
11th Yateley Manor Leopards 0/14 (16)

Top Scorers
1st Samantha Perryman 12/14
2nd David Collyer 11½/14
3rd= Daniel Warsop, Nehan Radia, Thomas Dexter, Max Miller 10/14


JNCL Weekend 1, 2011/12 Results





More photos here

Division 2

1st Cumnor & Witney

9/10 (13½ game points)

2nd Yateley Manor A

8/10 (17)

3rd Yateley Manor B

4/10 (9)

4th Manchester B

2/4  (3)

5th Northampton A

1/10 (4½)

6th Manchester A

0/4  (1)

Top scorers
Matthew McLachlin, James Li and Marianne Hauer 4½/5

Division 3

1st Yateley Manor A

12/14 (42 game points)

2nd Northampton Girls

8/14 (25½)

3rd Yateley Manor C

7/14 (31½)

4th Northampton Jnr

C 7/14 (28½)

5th Northampton Jnr

B 6/14 (31)

6th Yateley Manor E

5/14 (27)

7th Yateley Manor B

3/14 (22½)

8th Yateley Manor D

2/14 (21)

9th Chess for Tigers

0/14 (13½)

Top scorers

Samantha Perryman


Stephen Moss


Benjamin Perryman


Liam Briscoe



Full details of individual results will be provided in due course - Neville Belinfante.

The first weekend of the new season took place 26th-27th November at Hinckley Island Hotel with 14 teams competing for prizes.



Reports from 2010/11


Weekend 1 | Weekend 2 | Weekend 3


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